naza gps mounting


Aerial DP
Are all you guys mounting the gps module up on the stick? When it mentions magnetic sensitive, does that mean like a metal that a magnet sticks to or an actual magnet like a motor?

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Nope, I have mine on the left rear arm on my F450 near my 5.8 gHz vTx and opposite my OSD GPS on the right front arm and just in front of the lipo between M1 and M2 on the top plate on my F550. Both work great.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
On the inside of the right rear arm. My Rx is on the left rear arm. On the F450 the satellite is under the vTx on the rear tab. On the F550 the satellite is on the right rear arm opposite the VU.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Quick question off topic. I have a Discovery frame ordered with the Core pre soldered. It should be here in a week or so. How do you have your GPS mounted on your Discovery?


Aerial DP
that's what i'm asking for,,,,,,,, mine is coming too. can't wait to have it right

I'll fly it tomorrow and see how it works there


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Tahoe Ed

Active Member
I know that the UHF receiver is on the back but I would try between the D and the S on the top plate. That would make a really clean install, especially if you painted the GPS black. Very stealthy. I won't be using UHF since I am fine with less that 2k performance.


Aerial DP
earlier i had it between the s and c in discovery but on the pole. i was kinda worried about the video gear but will give it a try on the floor there. i'm down with keepin it clean

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Cool, keep me informed. I really want to transfer my FPV gear from my F450 to the Discovery and keep it as uncluttered as possible. My friend who is a pro wants something that can be transportable and versatile. The Discovery may be the solution to his requirements. I wonder if a Nex5N would work? I may have to try one.


Aerial DP
that was a good call. i think next i'll try straight in front of the front of the battery bolts, looks will sit with a mounting of x=0 y=0 z=3,,,,,,,,

wonder how it's gonna deal with that crazy 1.3 cloverleaf


New Member
Gentlemen, may I ask if the receiver satellite can be mounted upside down and are you guys simply using double sided sticky tabs on the GPS unit without stick?


No, it can't be upside down. And yes double sided tabs are perfect, but only after is on the right position in relation with the nose direction, otherwise you might have to take it down for adjusting the correction angle.


Aerial DP
put a black wrapper over the ezuhf too. All that's left is get this moved to the good frame, get the real cam mounted and working and loom all the wires. everythings lengths have already been changed, after the gps works i'll trim that one down.




I think i'm gonna paint my gopro floro orange. it's the only thing that can fall off and would sure be easier to find if it was. also ordered this,,,, some sort of piece of mind for them water flights
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Aerial DP
flew a few packs and the sat where it's mounted is perfect. next i'll power up the eagle tree and see what that does to the mix

i hate that gps mode, feels like driving with brakes on


i hate that gps mode, feels like driving with brakes on

Ha ha, that's the perfect analogy. I've been using GPS mode for take offs and landings, both LOS and FPV. And I'm finding that the GPS PH is great for getting situated prior to switching to MAN mode and heading off FPV.

Good to know that the sat antenna works flush mounted next to the 1.3 omni CP. I've go both of mine on masts.
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Aerial DP
I got a futaba 8j radio and suddenly all my problems went away with both uhf systems. Best $279 i spent on the hobby

zeph is ready to rock too now, finally. my 11x wouldn't let me mix on the way out so that meant no expo, no reversing, nothing but pure raw ppm like a trainer radio. I can finally quit screwing around with this uhf crap and go fly. That only took since the begining of may. I ditched that long range repeater thing too


Aerial DP
flew this thing today with everything on and walla, kept loosing gps signal on the naza in flight. Eagle tree never waivered,,,,,,,,, so gonna spread em apart a little bit. I also changed the video tx from that 800mw 1.3 to 300mw 1.3 to kill the interference issue. Strange, other cat was helping here was having the same thing happen. only 2 things the same is the video transmitter and naza gps

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Kloner, my Eagle Tree GPS and Naza GPS are separated by 19.5cm on opposite arms. I have never lost Naza GPS with that separation. I am using a 5.8gHz vTx at 500ma with the antenna pointing down. I don't know how that fits into the mix.


Aerial DP
got it locking in inside the house now....... think a few things played in there. it was painted....... i was running a 800mw vtx on a really small area with uhf and another sattelite.

The only spot i can get it to not make interferrence is all the way out back on top of the uhf rx. had to move the antenna forward, shorten its cable. this antenna id 11cm across. i'm getting about 18cm gap between vid tx and naza sat. the eagle tree sat doesn't give a crap. it just locks in and works wherever

touchy. my rssi hasn't budged off 100% yet. i really got the radio part dialed in this time
