My F800 "Finger Snapper"

Well I upgraded my F550 to have the 800mm arms over at RCTimer. I've put 4112 motors on it and 15" props. Powered by 2x5000mAh 6S packs I'm able to get 18 min flight times now, yes 18 min fully loaded with all gear!! This is by far one of the best investments I've put into my hex, and the best way to get the most "bang for your buck" over buying an S800. The arms are thinner then the F550 arms, so you have less space in-between your top and bottom plates. The arms are very strong though, much stronger then F550 arms.



Some video to come later, with more tests too. I'm still adjusting the gains it's not quite flying just the way I want it yet. But it'll get there.

I get occasional white flashes from my wookong LED, in the manual that means "Attitude status fair" Can anyone tell me what that means? That never happened before the upgrade, would it be vibration related?


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What landing gear + gimbal system are you using?
Attitude mode is basically the IMU inputs plus the barometer..... so a "fair" status would have to do with those inputs only...
I am thinking it has more to do with the barometer than anything else..... are you hovering in ground effect when this occurs?

Well I upgraded my F550 to have the 800mm arms over at RCTimer. I've put 4112 motors on it and 15" props. Powered by 2x5000mAh 6S packs I'm able to get 18 min flight times now, yes 18 min fully loaded with all gear!! This is by far one of the best investments I've put into my hex, and the best way to get the most "bang for your buck" over buying an S800. The arms are thinner then the F550 arms, so you have less space in-between your top and bottom plates. The arms are very strong though, much stronger then F550 arms.



Some video to come later, with more tests too. I'm still adjusting the gains it's not quite flying just the way I want it yet. But it'll get there.

I get occasional white flashes from my wookong LED, in the manual that means "Attitude status fair" Can anyone tell me what that means? That never happened before the upgrade, would it be vibration related?

The white flashes are not consistent, only happening sometimes, It happens very high up too. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot that. My guess was vibrations since the bottom and center plates are closer together now, the IMU is kind of sandwiched in-between the upper and lower plates. I could be barometer related too, i'm really not sure, maybe the bigger props are affecting it even when it's flying high.

This thing is awesome, Since I can fly for 18 min now, I don't even need to carry spare battery packs with me anymore when I'm going to fly. Did some more flying today.. got some awesome shots.

I'm using the aeroxcraft landing gear/gimbal. My batteries are almost to big for the tray to handle, but the gimbal works great.


I don't think it is the barometer.
Do the white flashes disappear when you reduce the payload weight or move weights closer to the center of the airframe?
I have a suspicion that the control system cannot accomodate an excessively high MOI, i.e., moment of inertia especially when the MOI is much larger on the "x" versus "y" axis.

The white flashes are not consistent, only happening sometimes, It happens very high up too. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot that. My guess was vibrations since the bottom and center plates are closer together now, the IMU is kind of sandwiched in-between the upper and lower plates. I could be barometer related too, i'm really not sure, maybe the bigger props are affecting it even when it's flying high.

This thing is awesome, Since I can fly for 18 min now, I don't even need to carry spare battery packs with me anymore when I'm going to fly. Did some more flying today.. got some awesome shots.

I'm using the aeroxcraft landing gear/gimbal. My batteries are almost to big for the tray to handle, but the gimbal works great.


The white flashes are not consistent, only happening sometimes, It happens very high up too. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot that. My guess was vibrations since the bottom and center plates are closer together now, the IMU is kind of sandwiched in-between the upper and lower plates. I could be barometer related too, i'm really not sure, maybe the bigger props are affecting it even when it's flying high.

This thing is awesome, Since I can fly for 18 min now, I don't even need to carry spare battery packs with me anymore when I'm going to fly. Did some more flying today.. got some awesome shots.

I'm using the aeroxcraft landing gear/gimbal. My batteries are almost to big for the tray to handle, but the gimbal works great.

May the vibration from being sandwiched is causing the white flashes. 18 minutes fully loaded is excellent!


Aerial DP
white flashes come from vibration from what i've seen...... was told if there not continuous that its fine but if they keep popping up can cause problems. the only rigs i've seen do it is f550

Thanks I will need to order some foam and try to isolate them, or maybe add some spacers between the arms and the bottom plate. Not sure on the exact change in spacing between the plates. I really don't like the flashes. They make me worried when I'm flying, I like to know everythings working 100%
Still very impressed with it though.

Here is a short video of the first flight.


Were the white flashes there before you exchanged the arms? Sorry failed to read all of the top post <<<<<<<Duh
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I'm just trying to figure out if I buy the rctimer arms will they be stronger than the stock DJI arms. Also what Watts are the 4112 motors and who makes them? Have you noticed more or less vibrations with the arm exchange?


Measured both but forgot to write it down..... basically all DJI components will fit in between the two plates with the exception of the WKM's IMU which you can mount above or below these two plates.

How much thickness did you lose on the plates by switching to the rctimmer arms?


You indicate that you are using the WKM but the photos also show the PMY that comes with the Naza........ are your using both PMUs? Seems to me that only the WKM provides the white LED warning flashes.

Well I upgraded my F550 to have the 800mm arms over at RCTimer. I've put 4112 motors on it and 15" props. Powered by 2x5000mAh 6S packs I'm able to get 18 min flight times now, yes 18 min fully loaded with all gear!! This is by far one of the best investments I've put into my hex, and the best way to get the most "bang for your buck" over buying an S800. The arms are thinner then the F550 arms, so you have less space in-between your top and bottom plates. The arms are very strong though, much stronger then F550 arms.



Some video to come later, with more tests too. I'm still adjusting the gains it's not quite flying just the way I want it yet. But it'll get there.

I get occasional white flashes from my wookong LED, in the manual that means "Attitude status fair" Can anyone tell me what that means? That never happened before the upgrade, would it be vibration related?


Here is my RCT800 c/w the clone S800 landing gear...... will add the rest asap including Hero GoPro3 Black and/or other larger camera. Might shorten the landing legs a bit since I may remain with smaller, lighter cameras. Accomodating the RCT800 arms for S800 landing gear installation required some modifications (but no drilling of additional holes....)! Notice I also installed green and red LED strips but these are circular on the port and starboard arm ends only. I used plastic medicine bottle caps that fit precisely under the motor mounts.
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Yeah I never fixed the flashing lights, and it's wookong for sure, nothing naza on there.

The landing gear looks awesome, what gimbal do you plan on using?


The PMU shown on the top front of your 1st photo is definitely the one that comes with the NAZA....... If that is the only one you are using you will have issues especially at colder temperatures. The one that comes with the WKM is a square alumimum one and it is superior to the Naza one.

Well I upgraded my F550 to have the 800mm arms over at RCTimer. I've put 4112 motors on it and 15" props. Powered by 2x5000mAh 6S packs I'm able to get 18 min flight times now, yes 18 min fully loaded with all gear!! This is by far one of the best investments I've put into my hex, and the best way to get the most "bang for your buck" over buying an S800. The arms are thinner then the F550 arms, so you have less space in-between your top and bottom plates. The arms are very strong though, much stronger then F550 arms.



Some video to come later, with more tests too. I'm still adjusting the gains it's not quite flying just the way I want it yet. But it'll get there.

I get occasional white flashes from my wookong LED, in the manual that means "Attitude status fair" Can anyone tell me what that means? That never happened before the upgrade, would it be vibration related?


Airborne Media Pros
Are the ESCs under the motors or can you use other ESCs like the Castel Creations?
I was also wondering if the RC Timer S800 is any good. I know the DJI S800 has tons of issue with vibrations.


What is your all up flying weight with the larger 6S batteries? I recently moved to the same frame using 4s batteries and MT 2814's for motors from another multi. I'd like to take advantage of the the longer arms to turn bigger props but the motors are tapped out with props larger than about 12". I am coming in at 4350 grams flying with 2 - 4s 5000Mah batteries getting flight times of about 11 minutes.


New Member
You guys have any videos yet? I want to do the same setup. Will the Naza be able to fly this with the extended arms.
