Well I upgraded my F550 to have the 800mm arms over at RCTimer. I've put 4112 motors on it and 15" props. Powered by 2x5000mAh 6S packs I'm able to get 18 min flight times now, yes 18 min fully loaded with all gear!! This is by far one of the best investments I've put into my hex, and the best way to get the most "bang for your buck" over buying an S800. The arms are thinner then the F550 arms, so you have less space in-between your top and bottom plates. The arms are very strong though, much stronger then F550 arms.
Some video to come later, with more tests too. I'm still adjusting the gains it's not quite flying just the way I want it yet. But it'll get there.
I get occasional white flashes from my wookong LED, in the manual that means "Attitude status fair" Can anyone tell me what that means? That never happened before the upgrade, would it be vibration related?

Some video to come later, with more tests too. I'm still adjusting the gains it's not quite flying just the way I want it yet. But it'll get there.
I get occasional white flashes from my wookong LED, in the manual that means "Attitude status fair" Can anyone tell me what that means? That never happened before the upgrade, would it be vibration related?