Mikrokopter Motor start issues and motor loss in flight on X8???



Finally got to do a couple flights between rains yesterday in the Ecuadorian Amazon. First flight went great after having a bit of trouble getting motors to start. It took about 25 minutes to get 6 satellites and another 10min to get 8 sats making me feel comfortable to fly. I calibrated and then start motors with no problem, stopped motors and then tried to restart and I got three loud beeps and motors would not start. Recalibrated several times and tried to start motors with same results. Unplugged and tried again. This time I got the three beeps right off the bat. Unplugged and tried again with success. Made a little low level flight and all seemed fine. Stopped motors and restarted several times and everything was fine. Did a 10 minute flight with no issues.

After landing and changing batteries I again went through the issue of 3 beeps a couple times and no motor start before it began working again and I was happy it was ok. Took off and all was perfect until about 5 minutes into the flight, then the lower right rear motor went out. Had very little effect on the copter and I landed with little issue. I LOVE REDUNDANCY! I was surround by flooded forest and a black water lagoon about 100 meters away. It all could have disappeared. After landing I did everything I could think of to figure out why the motor would not spin and to get it going again. Had the 3 beep and issue and no motor start several times again. It got dark.

We moved to a new location today and now that I have rebuilt it again (I have to tear it down and rebuild each time for transport) all seems fine except getting the occasional 3 beeps after trying to start motors. When the motors do start they all seem fine. I have flown it up a few meters with no issues. What could it be??? I am a bit afraid to take a full flight again. Could it be that I need to recalibrate the compass after moving from Texas to Ecuador? Would that cause this problem? I would have done it yesterday but didn't remember exactly how and was at a location with no internet access.

I am flying software v.84a and v.24b. Any help much appreciated.

Otherwise all is going well on my short notice trip with a BBC/Discovery channel film crew. Been waiting to tell you all until it actually became reality!



Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
are you saying that you get the three beeps when you go stick up/left but then it beeps again when you go stick back/right to start the motors as if it hasn't been initialized?
gotta love the eight motors! that's the second report this week stating that the kopter was unfazed by the loss of a motor or prop.


Hey Bart,

Thanks for responding. When I do the stick up/left I get the three chirps/beeps and then when I go stick down/right I get three loud beeps (yes, as if it hasn't been initialized). Didn't make the connection that it wasn't initializing. So, what would cause it to make the 3 chirps/beeps with stick up/left and then the three loud beeps with stick down/right like its not intialized?


are you saying that you get the three beeps when you go stick up/left but then it beeps again when you go stick back/right to start the motors as if it hasn't been initialized?
gotta love the eight motors! that's the second report this week stating that the kopter was unfazed by the loss of a motor or prop.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
i'd say pull it out and toss it from your tree stand. they seem to be synonymous with screwy behavior.
you can try reading it but it's like a tenth grade science project to find, install, and run the software.


Merlin of Multirotors
Yes I do. I guess your going to suggest taking a look at the log file on that. Can you direct me to directions on how to do that?

You'll need this... http://www.mdtweb.de/images/stories/downloads/MK_GPX_0016.zip and the .GPX file from the memory card. Probably won't tell you what's wrong though as it only logs from take off onward. What you need to do is hookup to MKtool and try to start the motors with the tool running, it should throw the error up in the display area if you're currently on the correct board or you should see a red light next to one of the boards at the bottom center of the screen if it's not monitoring the board with the problem at the moment.



Hmm...I have been running my Xbee setup with MKtool to monitor everything before, during, and after flight and have not seen any sort of errors. I will keep a better eye on the board lights at the center bottom but I don't recall them being anything other than green.

Since everything seems to be working properly at the moment I am going to go ahead and recalibrate the compass and see what happens. Any chance near 100% humidity could cause something like this? The fact that its not initializing all the time doesn't bother quit as much as the motor going out. I thought I had a bad motor and was just going to solder a new one in and then when I put it back together today and it is working fine I am actually more concerned.

Just so you guys know and don't get too jealous that some amateur like me scored this kind of gig it has little to do with the multi-rotor being used to get them video. It is a documentary where they are following the sun around the planet for a year and showing its effects on the planet. They primarily wanted to film me climbing trees in the rainforest and working with the bromeliads (epiphytes) I study in the rainforest canopy. They had seen my multi-rotors on my personal website and asked me to bring it along to see if I could get a little video for them too. They are blown away by the technology! It has been a pretty interesting and exciting experience. I consider myself pretty lucky.


You'll need this... http://www.mdtweb.de/images/stories/downloads/MK_GPX_0016.zip and the .GPX file from the memory card. Probably won't tell you what's wrong though as it only logs from take off onward. What you need to do is hookup to MKtool and try to start the motors with the tool running, it should throw the error up in the display area if you're currently on the correct board or you should see a red light next to one of the boards at the bottom center of the screen if it's not monitoring the board with the problem at the moment.



Hah! I missed your post. I have read about people having issues with the micro sd cards. I think I will just pull it out for now too! Thanks so much guys! Shawn

i'd say pull it out and toss it from your tree stand. they seem to be synonymous with screwy behavior.
you can try reading it but it's like a tenth grade science project to find, install, and run the software.


Unfortunately I was not using my camera so have no video. Was going to fly my camera but never got the chance. :(

Looks like I may be headed back in October so will try again.

Good luck, make sure to post some video clips when you have the time and bandwidth!



Well, I'm not happy and kinda pissed. This morning I went to do a flight and after climbing to a good altitude the motor stopped again. It was a new motor, no sd card, and I had recalibrated the compass. I did some switching around of different motors to BL#6 and when I briefly applied full throttle via MKtools motor test they would stop running. None of the other BL's would do this so it must be the BL. Never got a BL error. I have already filled out the RMA and will send it off tonight or in the morning after I get home. Very disappointing.

I may be headed back around October 9th so it better get repaired and sent back to me in time. This has just been ridiculous with a brand new Okto XL distro board and all new BL's. Thankfully its got 8 motors and doesn't fall out of the sky when a motor stops.



Nope. No matter what motor I hook up to BL#6 it would stop when I gave it a quick full throttle via MKtools. Here is an example of what I did (and I did this with multiple motors):

Did a full throttle test via MKtools motor test on Motor/BL combo #1 - no problem.
Soldered motor #1 to BL#6 and it would stop when I did the full throttle test via MKtools motor test.
Also solder motor #6 to BL#1 and it would run fine.


Is it the same motor everytime?




I calibrated and then start motors with no problem, stopped motors and then tried to restart and I got three loud beeps and motors would not start. Shawn

I've had this issue and found it was always when I had the GPS screen open checking the satellites. As soon as I closed that screen it would start. For some reason, sometimes it will start with the screen open and sometimes reconnectioning the packs will help, but the issue seems to only arise when the GPS screen is open.



Drone Enthusiast
The new version of MK tools will not allow you to initiate motors with the satellite screen open. V72 would let you take off but then when u switched to PH the MR went crazy!



Hi Craig,

This is an interesting point as I did have the GPS screen open a lot of the time. I will have to check this again. I do know it has nothing to do with the one BL choking under load or at full throttle, but possibly the not arming issue. Anyone else seen this?

Thanks a bunch,


I've had this issue and found it was always when I had the GPS screen open checking the satellites. As soon as I closed that screen it would start. For some reason, sometimes it will start with the screen open and sometimes reconnectioning the packs will help, but the issue seems to only arise when the GPS screen is open.



When I am in the jungle I am not moving the copter from AC to outside. Its always just in a bug screened room. I have taken my Hoverfly hexa down before and never had a problem. I have a feeling it might be the GPS screen open issue like Craig mentioned. I am a bit hesitant to use things like silicone conformal because if moisture does get in it is a lot harder to get out. Going back again in a week so will see how it does this time.


100% humidity doesn't help. Do a search here and at mk.us for silicone conformal coating.
