Mikrokopter Motor start issues and motor loss in flight on X8???


Hey Ya'll,

It was the wife's 40th birthday weekend and I just got back on Thursday from the shoot in Ecuador with a BBC/Discovery channel crew so haven't been on the boards. First time doing such a thing, fun and very hectic at the same time. The shoot was primarily about my canopy research in Amazonia and most of the time for me was spent climbing trees or being in canopy towers. Joy!
But they did also have me bring my X8 so they could see it and see what we could get. Although I did have a BL-Ctrl go out on me during a flight, it barely affected the copter. I actually had it go out again after I thought I had solved the problem. I only have a bit of video I can use and it was from that flight if you guys want to see the joy of redundancy! Shawn

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Drone Enthusiast
Glad to see it survived.. nice one.. cant you monitor BL temps?

If not and you do have an SD card I think the new version of the log reader now shows your BL temps.

Who was the camera man you worked with.. I know a few from the Beeb. As soon as I get my CAA permission through I will be contacting them..



blinding bit of footage, the straight down shot looks fantastic - what kind of altitude was the 'copter at?


I have really been making a point to monitor BL temps via the little analog screen and I don't believe a one of them has ever gone over 40C. So I don't think the problem with BL #6 is a temp issue. Plus, I could have let the whole thing sit for several hours and then do a motor test on that one BL/motor combo and it will stop when I nearly hit full throttle.

The cameraman's name was Paul and he was Scottish. Sorry I don't have anymore info than that.


Glad to see it survived.. nice one.. cant you monitor BL temps?

If not and you do have an SD card I think the new version of the log reader now shows your BL temps.

Who was the camera man you worked with.. I know a few from the Beeb. As soon as I get my CAA permission through I will be contacting them..



Thanks, but that was really just the footage of me trying to get into position to get the real footage I wanted. I usually like to get the copter up in the air and then do a quick test of altitude hold and position hold while doing a full 360 yaw and some quick stick input on nick and roll just to make everything is ok before I move beyond where I know I can find it if it comes straight down. I wasn't monitoring altitude, but if I had to guess I would say 80-100m.

blinding bit of footage, the straight down shot looks fantastic - what kind of altitude was the 'copter at?


When you power up the copter you can click on the MKGPS button in MKTools and it will open a screen displaying how many satellites it is receiving signal from and the quality. I think it is a really good idea to power up and open this screen to make sure your copter has good GPS reception before take off.


What does it mean having the "GPS screen open"?


Just got confirmation from QC.us that the BL#6 was bad and they replaced it. Even sent me a private vimeo video showing the repair and it all hooked up to motors and running perfectly now. It's in the mail back to me. I have to say I am super duper impressed with the service I just received!

Also, Holger actually left a comment on my latest video showing the motor go out. Was nice of him, but I couldn't resist replying that it was because of a brand new faulty BL on a brand new Okto XL distro board!


Drone Enthusiast
The new firmware will not allow you to start the motors with the GPS screen open. DO NOT try and fly with this screen open and connected via bluetooth or xbee if you are on 0.82.. Not sure about .84 as I went straight from .82 to .84

Telemetry I think is essential when flying the bigger MK's either via the MKtool or better still either a Jeti box or the new Graupner MX20. Jeti is releasing there own TX in the new year. I have a issue with the new MX20 as it does not have sliders/rotary dials on the side to adjust camera tilt (nick) its got a knob like the DX8 on the top of the TX..


