motor sometimes spins backward on startup ??

sometimes one of my motors spins backwards ( or not spins at all ) when i initiate the combination stick commands (CSC) once it corrects itself it flies fine. Sometimes i just restart the motors or sometimes i just spin it by hand to get it going
the whole setup is brand new about 10 to 15- 5 min flights . is the brand new motor failing or the ESC or is this OK please help me out so i can contact the seller... Thank you !

I have the same issue with my NAZA on F450 frame, sometimes one of the motors spins slowly in the wrong direction whilst the other motors spin up correctly but if I execute a CSC to restart then everything is fine. Very weird but only happens occasionally, once it's spinning correctly there doesn't appear to be any problems during flight.

I think this has something to do with the motors used in aerial purposes not usually having sensors (they are sensorless brushless motors). I've had this same problem with RC cars when running sensorless motors. They have very bad low-end response which sometimes lead to the motor turning in wrong direction when starting from standstill. In car the motor/esc fixed this by itself after giving some more throttle (not 100%, just a bit more).

i have the stock motors and the stock optio 30 A ESC its exactly as you guys described only happens sometimes and it corrects itself after a restart.


Aerial DP
I've see this too. think it's the motors, and how the quality of the connection at the motor winding is. it acts like one of the speed controller to motor wires is disconnected. i moved a set of dji motors to a different quad than they came on and they did it with different speed controllers and naza. mines the left front. never seen a crash or failure, but getting going seen it 3-4 times in hundreds if not thousands of flights now. it did it yesterday after a few week layoff.

Guess it could also be a speed controller, wonder if it's a timing thing or if im right and it's something like the barrel connectors and how there on the esc solid and how it's all mounted. like that's the leg you grab when you pick it up and puts pressure on that connector.

I've seen brand new kits do it on here, and guys had them warrantied by there dealers. if i remember right, they were swapping out motors.
