As a guy who flies around a bunch for fun in a private aircraft, the ones who really worry me are the ones making all these high altitude FPV flights. Couple hours ago, a guy on this forum posted a video going over 2000 feet up. Sooner or later bad things are going to happen and we will all pay the price. Few months back a private jet reported seeing something drone like above Denver. Crazy.....I dont mean to harp on anyones fun but seriously....
Debbie Downer #2 out
i wish more people would voice these concerns because, in reality, anyone flying beyond visual range and above 300 to 400 feet above the ground is a risk to manned aircraft. while the FAA has tried to remain some form of balance in tolerating RC aircraft operations to date, a midair accident with deaths will ground the entire RC fleet, IMHO, until real regulations can be formed. RC aircraft sitting on peoples' shelves and in basements/garages are of no concern to the FAA if manned flights are at risk.
RC has gone a bit nuts lately between long-range/high-altitude FPV flying, high speed jets, and ultra large scale gassers. the incident over Denver won't likely be the last we'll hear about.
watch the video at the end of the article. the second sequence has him flying from the edge of the water, over the beach and then out over the adjacent town. that alone leads me to believe the guy didn't have much common sense and that the charges of him flying low over sea birds and people are probably well founded. as low as he was over the town, it's impossible to believe he was maintaining line-of-site contact with the aircraft. if he was using the same 6' rotor span heli for that shot then he's even more reckless for flying a large single rotor heli, very low over a populated area solely by reference to his video display.
we can ***** all we want about our investments going to waste but if we don't make an attempt to honestly assess and regulate our own activities then we have no one to blame but ourselves.
the FAA responded to complaints, that's what they do. when the Alcatraz footage becomes public we'll see if the complaints were well founded. i would have complained myself if that guy was flying low over my head with a big single rotor heli or any helicopter for that matter. it's common sense to avoid overflying people, active roads, etc.
I am feeling like I did a few months back, where this is a hopeless career path.
Damn, 1 motor out on an X8 and it falls that quick? not good. Great video thanks for posting.