Lightbridge + S1000/800 + ZenMuse- what combinations work?


I'm sure everybody is still confused as to what does and does not work when it comes to combining DJI's Lightbridge with a ZenMuse, DJI FC and your RC gear on something that is not a Phantom. I know I am.
This is what I believe is a workable system as suggested by DJI
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It has a couple of drawbacks, the trainer lead attachment for the Pilot's Tx and the 5.8GHz Tx/Rx for the Gimbal Op.
To take advantage of bits which are already attached and work I want to use the setup as below. Keep Pilot's control via Spektrum Tx/Rx, use the Lightbridge for OSD and video only and use a Graupner Tx/Rx for gimbal control. So 3 sets of 2.4GHz signals flying between craft and ground. Early DJI info warned specifically against using 2.4GHz for gimbal control but they don't seem so insistent now.
No Dbus connection, only CanBus. Not really sure if the OSD unit is still required.
Anyone see any reason why it should not work?
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It would be useful to post in this thread combinations that do work, in a diagramatic form that's easily understood.



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We went out tonight to fly the S1000/Lightbridge/ZenMuse/GH3/A2/Nexus7 tablet combination as above less the pilot's lightbridge, fingers tightly crossed....
It flew out to 250m 70m transmitted an image.... we received it... it landed.
Observations... The signal pixalated a little bit but the image remained pretty good, the transmission lag was noticeable but easy to compensate for and that's about it.
We flew in a rural location and perfect weather.
Hardware wise, the image received was squashed from 16:9 to 4:3. That was probably due to HDMI to composite conversion issues in the ZenMuse interface. There was distinct banding on the image, possibly 50/60Hz mismatch. Can't see anyway to get around these issues. Nothing seems adjustable in the assistants, the Lightbridge seems to try sorting things out automatically. Perhaps it will be overcome in a future update.
So pretty happy with progress and no horror stories.



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Well, this configuration no longer works after installing the latest DJI updates. I assume it's because the frequency range has been reduced, eliminating illegal frequencies. This forces users in to the crowded,narrow legal range very close to other control frequencies. Video image pixelates immediately and freezes at very short range. Pity as it work very well operated independently away from the copter so keep to DJI's suggested configurations and all should be OK.

minonim..... Yes you can connect directly but need to find a suitable cable that has shallow right angle micro HDMI at one end, micro HDMI at the other. It also needs to be flexible and long enough.



That's a shame - I was going to try something very similar myself. I want to keep using my Frsky rx for the sensor telemetry.

How far away from your control tx do you have to move for the light bridge signal to improve?


Yes, real disappointment.
Had the Tx turned off for both pilot (DX18) and gimbal op(MX20). Only the Lightbridge was turned on.
I believe a standard Phantom setup would be really good.
