KDE 35+ ESC, KDE 4014 Motor, and 17" props?


Yes, its a vulcan, it's more like an AK47. Crashed once, easy to fix/took only one day to change 1 arm & re assembly. Flew perfect on 2nd day for another job. Simple design, very robust. Love it.


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Hi, Im using Tmotor 4014 330kv with TmotorCF17x5.8+DYS 40A opto simonK, fc WokongM 5.20. for 2 years lifting GH, 5D, Black magic 4k (8-12min per flight) without any problem. we are living in equator(32-34 celcius, 95% humidity).
Last June I switch to KDE 35A esc. It perform better, faster motor respons.
It might be timing/esc calibration issue with your ESC
You can contact Patrick from KDE, I sent my other esc(55a) back to them because sync problem (my mistake), switching hitech to futaba 14sg. They recalibrate my esc with latest firmwire
Ary what size batterys are you using? and what is the AUW of the ready to fly bird with the 5d mark iii


Ok, back to your topic, I just plugged a rough setup into ECalc, and I can't really get the maximum draw per motor above 32Amps (assuming an AGW of 12kg). It should be well within the KDE specs. Hover is sitting at around 12A.

Listen folks. I am new to this hobby so take this with a grain of salt but I guess the question is "can a larger esc hurt you?" I used my 80% rule when selecting my esc's. This isn't a rule related to the rc hobby but one that I use in other electrical applications. 80% of a 35a esc is 28amps so in my case if I was drawing more than 28 amps I'd move up to the next size esc which in kde brand is 55amps. I use this rule because I'd hate to buy and install esc's that were too small thus costing me more in the long run. Having a larger esc running @ 50% capacity has to run cooler than a smaller esc running at 90% capacity. Maybe I'm way off base here.


Make sure you buy it from KDE store. you will have esc with their latest firmwire installed. They release latest one in Sept. I sent my KDE 55A back to them at that time
