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Drone Enthusiast
Filmers against Government. Ok, maybe a bad name. more like CAD. Cinematographers against drones. I was thinking if we start a group and get some viral videos going under one name we can start a demonstration of what the majority of us really do this for. There are clearly a huge group of people that think we are up to no good and their fears are misleading people. What if we start a communal youtube group that we can show our voice through video. We can interview ourselves and show some of the shots that we have accomplished or desire that portray the artistic aspect of this. I realize there are thousands of videos out there but they are scattered. If we have a voice as one it will have a more unified message of what our intent is. The name itself will show that we are only interested in acquiring hard to reach areas that are not in front of peoples windows or flying through traffic blocking the sun on mankind. This is getting out of hand quickly and the FAA is probably confused on how to handle this. Lets show them not only that we are an intelligent group of people but that this is a growing sector and that privacy is NOT an issue!


Drone Enthusiast
Ok, great, lets use that. Grab a camera and start interviewing everyone you know who does this. Show scenery that is non threatening and beautiful. Like 99% of what we already do on here. maybe just leave out car commercials and indoor flying in public buildings, etc. I'll try and get some stuff. We need something catchy to go somewhat viral at first, thats the trick. Maybe start a youtube name with NMA or something simple and a few of us can get the PW to upload content from time to time. Maybe some some of the tech savvy members can help with methods of going viral or getting attention to the right venues. It is clear that we are about to explode in numbers and need a unified voice to speak loudly enough to get through some thick skulls. Let's hope that the few that are tempted to do risky stupid things can hold off for a bit.

On a similar note. I was on the beach the other day and this older lady sitting down was watching me kitesurf. She didnt recognize me in my wetsuit but I was the same guy who she saw shooting a guitarist for a music video a few years back. She mentioned in our conversation how she was against all this drone talk and didnt like being spied on. I told her that was me flying the heli and that we have no interest in doing the things she had in mind. I explained there is a HUGE difference between government drones and our rc helis. I also explained that I would actually be gracious to have a camera looking after me at all times as there never seems to be a cop around when you need one. She started to agree with everything I said and I think she had a different perception after our talk. After our talk I walked across the street to my place and made her some tea. not only did I make a new friend but I showed one of the many fearful anti-dronists that we are not the same. If all of us finds the right cup of tea to give to the right people, we can do this together.


since MU is now including multirotors as part of their Journalism curriculum... maybe someone could reach out to the university for a scholarly point of view on this. >shrugs< just tossing the idea out there.



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I realize that the "National" part limits the org a bit, but I think having a local ie. for the US org, would be beneficial right now.

I was thinking about adding a database where users could voluntarily register as Hobbiest, FPV or Commercial operator. And eventually make it so that an operator could register a "flight plan".
Ie. I will be shooting from 1 - 5 pm in the general vicinity of "BLAH BLAH". This could be good or bad depending on the FAA.
But I am completely open to ideas. When we started FG, we fought hard to get 3D airplane flying recognized as a respectable form or RC. It took a lot of time, and a whole event tour which invited everyone out to see responsible 3D flying to get it moving in the right direction.

So again, I am completely open for ideas. The direction of the org should be what everyone feels it should be. Stand for what it needs to stand for, and always represent the responsible side of this industry/hobby.


Personally, I like FAG for a name! With all the gay marriage thing going on, at least it will make the politicians take notice!!!


LMAO... It's got the same name as the park flyers I fly with... Fullerton Air Group... I thought we were a one off.

Only Iris would think of this. I nominate iris for spokesperson for the F.A.G association.


Drone Enthusiast
Thanks, i think. :) We havent even got started, this is just the TIP. We have to get a Head of the game. We accept everyone. Even FAA members can become a FAG member! Right, ok. Perhaps taking this too far. For the record I am not homophobic and I actually support any good parent being able to adopt kids and marry the ones they love.

Our new logo.
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I like the idea of a united, all inclusive organisation where we grow in strength and project the positive aspects of what we do in a responsible manner. Education of the lawmakers and a distancing from those irresponsible flyers is paramount to our prosperity.

Also, we need to distance ourselves from the poisoned word 'Drone' and its connotations. My suggestion is : IRPAVA ........... it has a ring to it too ! It could equally be an 'O' for organisation. ?

International Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle Association (Organisation)

This covers all Platforms........... Multis, Helis, Planes, etc. and whatever the future holds ?


Drone Enthusiast
As I was searching for images on google for that logo I just threw up there, I typed in the word drone and saw most of what comes up are NOT helis, they are military drones or sci-fi drones. The less we use that nomenclature the less likely someone on the other side will see an associated photo to the word drone. Just another reason to pick another word.

I think the infrastructure of this idea could be very simple. An honor based system similar to this forum but with one main name that we all make contributions to that will help the cause. A handful of people can help moderate any bad submissions. If Sleepy is ok with it, I like the name and the site is there, let's use it! I am going to do some interviews and post some videos when I get a free moment. I should probably erase everything I just wrote incase a search leads back to this thread, which it very well could. You know there are people out there that would love to use my posts as a weapon. People love free ammunition to fuel a fire.

I propose we start with searching our video archives for an media that makes us look good. Politicians play crooked games and manipulate their stories all the time. well let's show the real side of what we do. Let's be honest but try not to show anything that you may have done that is reckless or potentially hazardous to others. If anyone is local to me, please get in touch and lets do a quick video shoot together. Get on video why you do what you do and show how it is a controlled, safe, modern artform. This doesnt have to cost anything but time. And like all these social media projects, the more the merrier.

