I've got an issue with a 250mm quad I've just built with a Naza Lite + GPS.
It won't hold altitude at mid throttle and I have to keep pushing the stick to around 60% to keep height. The sticks are centred in assistant. The Naza is registering an input as I get double green flashes when holding altitude at 60% throttle. It's the same in Atti mode too.
There's plenty of power there as it will hover in manual mode at around 60 to 65% throttle and if I punch the throttle it goes straight up with no problem at all.
ESCs are calibrated.
Any ideas? To me, it looks like the Naza is completely ignoring the barometer.
It won't hold altitude at mid throttle and I have to keep pushing the stick to around 60% to keep height. The sticks are centred in assistant. The Naza is registering an input as I get double green flashes when holding altitude at 60% throttle. It's the same in Atti mode too.
There's plenty of power there as it will hover in manual mode at around 60 to 65% throttle and if I punch the throttle it goes straight up with no problem at all.
ESCs are calibrated.
Any ideas? To me, it looks like the Naza is completely ignoring the barometer.