Insurance Companies? - PD/PL & Equipment


Per phone call last night with Hill & Usher they are no longer issuing policies for any Aerial related AP/AV coverage. Flat didn't want any part of it, "too many claims"....

Anybody have any recommendations for possible companies willing to issue policies for PD/PL Public Damage/Public Liability and/or AP/AV Equipment Coverage?

I know someone mentioned B&H Replacement in passing. I'm betting dropping it from a 100 feet doesnt count but we buy a ton of stuff from those guys and have never utilized this program. Anybody have any details on it??

Thank you all in advance!!!



I waiting for a answer from Jean at the Mechanics Group Insurance. Will post results when she gets back to me


In insurance terms you are 'naked'. And since many clients want an insurance certificate, at least they do for still photography, what are you going to do?


We have a policy at 5 million to cover Liability but hoping we can find ANYONE that will write an Equipment policy. Since I know there's a fair amount of folks lifting the larger cameras I'm hoping they'll be able to chime in. Who do you use Ghaynes??

B&H Break Drop Spill -
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I can almost bet it all that once RC guys start submitting damaged equipment due to it being strapped to an RC toy, SquareTrade will change their repair policy to exclude us. I can bet on that!

If you're smart and I bet MOST of us are, DO NOT mention your $4,000 camera and lens was damaged beyond repair because you had it strapped to your remote controlled helicopter that failed in flight.
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