Shaun Stanton
Disclaimer: I am not pursuing a discussion on the physics or reasons why a LiPo can fail. I am simply trying to get a sample of a very specific set of parameters to see if anyone else had experienced a similar rapid drop in battery life in flight.
Background: Two different Inspire 1's from two separate owners recently experienced an in flight drop from 55-54% to 4%. Each occurrence happened within a week from each other. Both pilots were able to safely land without incident. Each aircraft went into the auto land sequence at 4%
Both batteries have an average of 25 flight cycles. When the first one occurred, I immediately came to the conclusion that every other experienced pilot would infer. That it was just a bad lipo showing itself. But two batteries failing with almost identical parameters makes me want to investigate this further to see if something could be causing a false trigger. The smart battery supposedly uses an algorithm to alert the pilot on how much power is available due to certain parameters.
So what I am looking for is if anyone recently experienced a rapid drop in flight from around the 55% point to 4 or 5%.
I am not trying infer that there is an issue, or trying to cause alarm. Obviously 2 samples is not statistically significant, hence why I am trying to gather more data.
Background: Two different Inspire 1's from two separate owners recently experienced an in flight drop from 55-54% to 4%. Each occurrence happened within a week from each other. Both pilots were able to safely land without incident. Each aircraft went into the auto land sequence at 4%
Both batteries have an average of 25 flight cycles. When the first one occurred, I immediately came to the conclusion that every other experienced pilot would infer. That it was just a bad lipo showing itself. But two batteries failing with almost identical parameters makes me want to investigate this further to see if something could be causing a false trigger. The smart battery supposedly uses an algorithm to alert the pilot on how much power is available due to certain parameters.
So what I am looking for is if anyone recently experienced a rapid drop in flight from around the 55% point to 4 or 5%.
I am not trying infer that there is an issue, or trying to cause alarm. Obviously 2 samples is not statistically significant, hence why I am trying to gather more data.