iCharger 306B --> powered by car?

Are there any precautions I need to take when running my iCharger 306B off a car battery that is currently installed in a Jeep Cherokee?

thanks for the help,
Benjamin Rowland


Use jumper cables to keep the charger away from the car and don't discharge the battery too low. It's hard on your alternator if you do it a lot.


Make sure that you don't let the positive and negative touch eachother, and that the polarity is right for the charger! Always remember that the whole car is a ground and positive end of a jumper cable will do wonders on a paint job! If you are planning to use jumpers, I recommend wrapping the ends that are connected to the charger so they don't touch... you never know when someone may walk by and acidently kick them... electrical tape works good enough, just wrap the exposed metal areas on the clamps.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2


Aerial DP
awesome charger, your gonna love it. always make sure to stay in range for your packs. i'd keep it under 1c rates, cause a battery will let r rip the full 30 amps and only being 12v is hard on it, makes the amps drawn up over 60 amps off your battery running full tilt 1000 watt


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
any last bits of advice for someone about to buy one of these? Does it charge six packs as quickly as it charges 2 or 4?



Aerial DP
best money you'll spend in the hobby. if you give it the full input rated, it'll fly through 6 packs. i paralel charge 6x 6s 3amp in nothing flat, but it also has the dell server 24v 1500 PS. loud little bugger, but nasty fast and more importantly, very consistant. keeps your internal resistance down

get the paralel charging board, either the i charger on the budget, FMA on the want to be safe. i've killed a few of these icharger ones acidentaly plugging the balance lead wrong. there full of 4s plugs on 2s, 3s, 4s so you gotta smash em in on a good day, one slip up and the pcb curls a trace


Talking about chargers here is my perhaps basic question, I have a new Hyperion EOS1420i charger and I want to charge also new Thunder Power 5S 6600mAh 25C batteries everything is pretty strait forward except the charging amps
What is the best charging amps for this battery and why


Aerial DP
charging batteries we use a term of a charge rate as in 1c, 2c, 5c, 8c and that's about all i know exist. if it doesn't say the charge rate, assume it's 1c. That said, 1c of 6600 mah is 6.6 amps

if it said max charge rate 5c, that is 33amp max amp charge rate. However, those high charge rate packs are best served 1c unless you need it like your out flying, got two in the oven, flying one and your waiting on packs......


Drone Enthusiast
maybe not the best place to post this but...

I am just curious if you need the balance leads if you are not balance charging. I was told you only need to balance charge the lipos every few charges. I realize the charger probably wont be able to tell me individual cell voltages but does it need to be plugged in for a quick charge? I know I am being lazy but I want o make sure it isnt dangerous or harmful to the lipo more than anything.


I use the balanca leads every time. becouse if there somthing rong with one cell the charger vil stopp the charging. even in quick charge ;)


Drone Enthusiast
Yeah, i figured it wasnt a great idea. I always feel like I am going to damage that plug and short something out by pulling it out wrong. But it is what it is and not really a big deal.


Aerial DP
you don't have to but i always do. if the packs arew good, it's not much slower with a rig like these. if the battery is chumped, it takes FOREVER with these and still never fixes it
