Yes, I'm finding out that the 30Amps are not the right ESC.
I took the advice from the vender that sold me my Axi 2814-22s. But in hind site I'm realizing that he only sells 30Amp ESCs so he was just trying to sell his own stock despite the risk to customers. The other warning sign was he was trying to tell me that he was developing a new Brushless gimbal with his partner. I thought this was cool until he sent me some pics and I called him on the fact that he was going to be selling the Got Heli Gimbal for. He was charging $950.00 for that gimbal. When I called him on this then he finally admitted that his gimbal was in fact the Got Heli Gimbal but he was adding silicon dampeners and his service would great because he dosent' have a Chinese accent. I said, ok, but why the $325. dollar mark up, he said, "it's because I'm buying them at $625.00." So I said, "he's not really your partner then?" He had nothing to add.
There are some Canadian retailers who I really trust, but then there are others who think that other Canadians don't know anything about this industry and try to screw fellow Canadians.
I'm a Canadian, who grew up in the U.S. and I've found that many Canadians are all to happy to throw each other under the bus. (rant over)
I really thank you guys for your advice.
I'm narrowing it down to iPeaka or Hobby Wing Platinum Pros. Bartman; You wrote "
I'm currently using Tiger ESC's and they've been great but I think they may be a repackaged HobbyWIng Platinum Pro"
I'm using the 30Amp Platinum Pros (not from the above mentioned vender) are really crisp and smooth, but the heat build up has me worried. Really trying to find the iPeaka from a Chinese Vender so I don't have to wait 2.5 weeks for delivery. I found these ones SK-ESC-iPeaka-SK-HV40A-OPTO.html and I think the SK means SimonK. Anyone use this vender? Are they reliable?