Hey from a San Diego Noob


Hey everyone! I've been reading a ton of stuff here on the forums, educating myself on what is shaping up to be my new addiction. About three months ago, a good friend of mine went out and bought a Phantom and brought it over to show it off. I was instantly enamored. So I started doing research about these wonderful flying machines to see if I thought it was something that would hold my interest, and the more I read, the more I knew I had to get one for myself.
This website has been such a great resource, giving me the confidence to go out and buy a kit, knowing that I will be able to get advice and direction if I get stumped. I have a long background of troubleshooting, problem solving and hardware/software configuration, which causes me to know that we all need different viewpoints at times, so it's nice to have this resource.
After a lot of window shopping, I went to flying-hobby.com and bought a DJI F550 RTF kit with a Futaba T8J, Naza M V2 + GPS and a Senrigan GP-45 Gimbal w/ landing gear. I was a bit nervous about sending that much money to a company in Hong Kong, but I read several other posts from people that had purchased from them in the past, so I gave it a shot.
Everything arrived this morning, and I have had a case of perma-grin all day long. I am taking my time, savoring the build process and am very happy that I opted for the self build option.
I will be asking questions, and I look forward to getting to know some fellow addicts.
Special thanks to those who are running this site, I know it takes a lot of effort and time.


Thanks for the welcome! Nice to see some peeps local to me!
I forgot to add the humor part that Bart requested, so here goes:

After 32 years as a gynecologist, my father decided that he was tired of the medical profession and wanted to get into something new. He had always been interested in cars and automotive history, so he signed up at a mechanic's school, which he enjoyed very much. As the course came to a close, the final exam was to disassemble and reassemble an entire motor. It took him a bit more time than the other students, so he was worried about what his grade was going to be. After a week, the scores were posted and he was amazed and confused when he saw that he had received a score of 150%. He called the instructor to ask how it was possible to get a score of more than 100%. The instructor told him that he had done a perfect job on the dis-assembly (50%) a perfect job on the re-assembly (50%) and the final 50% was for doing the whole thing through the tailpipe.
