

I am completely new to this, so please bear with me. I have the DJI phantom 1 with the GoPro mount. I accidentally severed one of the antennas from the inside receiver board. I accidentally ordered one made for the DJI phantom 2/vision + and i am wondering if i can somehow manage to bind this receiver board to my transmitter, or if it is a lost cause. Part two of this post is me wondering if i can bind the other receiver i ordered. Hers the story: i opened up my phantom, and i removed the board with the broken antenna (antenna 1 of 2 that was broken) and i noticed that 2 plugs plugged into my previous board, but the board i received "made for the phantom 1" only had one plug thing. i tried to follow the steps on a youtube channel, as well as a step by step process of binding the new receiver to the original transmitter, but it just wouldn't go. Does anyone have a process that i have just not learned about on how to bind either of these boards to the transmitter?

Thanks so much,


I believe you're dealing with 2 different frequencies. Phantom 2 vision receiver will require a Phantom 2 vision radio.


I wish I could help but I don't own one.... There are several YouTube videos on how to open the case and I would imagine there is just a couple of screws holding the receiver board in. And since there are only two cables that should be easy as well.
