Help with what lipos to buy

I do think 60+C could have a place for certain applications. Flying truly heavy rigs in hot temps would benifit from the lower IR for example. For pro applications where performance is valued above all else 65C packs would be just another specialized tool for occasional use as needed.

This will probably all be moot in a few years as chemistries improve and we have 200g 5Ah 100C packs. Just don't drop them. :D


I've been using 25C 5000 mah Zippy 4s off of HK for about $40 - $45. I seem to be getting comparable flight time to other people around here. What justifies spending $80+ on a battery with the same spec? Just buy two Zippy's. Buy a good iCharger from progressive, it's an extra 18 minutes on the charger for the extra battery, but so what. Go out to the field with a bunch of these.. After 2 batteries of difficult flying (shooting) I'm exhausted anyway. Flying a DJI f450 so I may require a lot less umph and # of batteries than you guys though.


Active Member
Be careful of cheap lipo chargers, they claim to balance the cells, but all my B6's were utter crap! Bought a hyperion 720i & every cell is spot on now.

