Hello From Southern California


Just An Old CCPM'er
New here, kinda.........been referring to this site for info and up-dates since 2012.

Have corresponded on other sites with at least three of the veteran members here.......some may recognize my handle from the RCCollective and Wattflyer forums....:)

Just thought I'd join in order to ask for advice when the time comes.......getting real close to jumping on a Phantom or Blade 350QX.

Really great site you have here.....I'll learn much from all of the experienced guys gathered here at multirotor!


Just An Old CCPM'er
sup pizzano....

Hi Steve...haven't lost track of you bro. I've been watching your threads here and a few guys over at Wattflyer know you through A MOB and Blacksheep.....really glad to see your passion took off and doing so well.

I've pretty much sold off all my 450 stuff due to the continuous $$$ I was dumping into them trying to keep up with the technology.....and my pilot skills had reached a summit that wasn't getting any higher........just to damn old to overcome the limitations....but smart enough to know my limits at least.....lol.

I've been flying planks alot and purchased a couple of (toys) quads......Blade nano QX and a Traxxas.......my CCP experience has helped alot, but these things are not that hard to fly (given all the on-board stabilizing helpers available) once you get the orientation aspect down. Now I'm considering a bigger unit to use with my Spektrum TX. Not ready to AR or FPV yet, but want a unit that has the capacity for it later. I've flown the Blade 350QX and will test drive a Phantom II this weekend. I know this aspect of the hobby can be as expensive as one cares to spend, so I'm starting out with the lower $$$ range (but quality) first. Just hope it dosen't end being like my CCP experience (master mechanic vs. average pilot).....lol

Good seeing you here!


Just An Old CCPM'er
Well I Just thought I'd report back about flying the Phantom........I was incorrect about the model, it was a Phantom 1 (not 2). A flying buddy of mine has offered to let me fly it on a few occasions, I waited until I had command of the Blade Nano QX and Traxxas.....glad I did.....flew just line of sight not FPV, although it is set-up for that.

It was a little windy yesturday and we did not have a camera attached (I preferred not to damage both....lol).....since I had flown the Blade 350QX previously on three occasions, I expected similar results.....both were set-up with a Spektrum DX8.......long story short, the Phantom seems to be the more upgradeable (to modify later) and a little more stable, maybe due to the NAZA.......I was comfortable with the RTH aspect (just had to remember which switch to trigger) and since it was set at what would be considered a "stability" mode, it was very stable in the wind.........now I've got to decide on the purchase!

I'm not ready (just yet) to attempt the FPV......the Phantom obviously is the way to go for that..........so, I'll give it a little more thought and save a few more$$$$......Oh, my flights went really well......lol........only lost orientation once, hit the RTH and no problem!..........I'm liking this quad stuff a lot.....:tennis:


Hi Pizzano.

Good to see your alive and kickin.

Looks like I'm newer to this place than you are, but also looks like we kind of share a common interest in the Phantoms. I love my P2. I see your a bit worried about the FPV side of flying it. To me, its so much easier than LOS flying. I think you would be able to pick up on it very quick. An OSD sure makes things nice too! Then you have everything right there in front of you.

Man, the GPS technology is so nice with this stuff. I unintentionally had to test mine out the other day flying over a golf course. My stupid A$$ forgot to keep an eye on the battery level for my LCD and it died on me mid flight! I'd have been screwed if I had not had it all setup prior, lol. It wasnt funny at the time, but I had made a 3S lipo battery that was able to plug into it and I retrieved it before it got back home. That thing was out 600 Meters when it died. Can't tell ya what my first instinct was!

One of the major things I can see that makes things simpler with the P1 is the battery. I sure wish they would have stayed with the same concept of cheap lipos with the P2. A special charger and a 2 hour wait for every battery and no way to discharge it other than flying, really makes for a major pain in the butt! Thats aside from the astronomical price of those batteries.

OH...and you should try it at night! Freakin fun and so easy with those bright LEDs!


Just An Old CCPM'er
Just thought I'd mention I'm still saving up for a "real" quad.......but my son let "the cat out of the bag" yesturday......looks like I'll be getting the little Blade 200 QX for Father's Day........the kids and Mom ordered it from Horizon on Friday, after I came home and talked about the one I test flown Thursday at the LHS......lol

Should be fun....the test flight was a kick.......it has lots of power and authority. Might attach one of my security cube cameras to it....should be able to handle it pretty well.......:nevreness:
