GoPro Hero3 vs Sony Action Cam


Active Member
Here's a little test I did yesterday with both cameras on the gimbal. The flight was a rough one, and the gimbal was not balanced correctly with the addition of the sony action cam.
I actually like the action cams image stabilizing, but the GoPro wins.
Settings - Sony 720p 60fps medium, GoPro 1080p 60fps medium.

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Great comparison!! GP3 for the win. Found any way to reduce prop shadow banding? I'm starting to consider cardboard hoods....:dread:


Active Member


  • uploadfromtaptalk1361173373408.jpg
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When I was at Bestbuy in early January, I bought the GoPro3 Hero black AND a discounted JVC Adixxion GC-XA1 action camera (It was ONLY $169)
I hope to do a similar test video, but How did you get both streams into the same window?


Active Member
When I was at Bestbuy in early January, I bought the GoPro3 Hero black AND a discounted JVC Adixxion GC-XA1 action camera (It was ONLY $169)
I hope to do a similar test video, but How did you get both streams into the same window?

I clapped at the start of recording, and used the waveform monitor to sync the start time in Final Cut Pro X, then I overlayed the 2nd clip on top of the first clip, then clipped it in half. I think its the best way to do compare as you get dual view.


Active Member
Well, I like both, but I'll keep the GoPro because I have other gopros and all the parts are compatible. So if anyone is interested in the Sony, PM me. Its basically brand new, only used for the test. It also comes with the optional handle bar mount, 32gb SD card, 2 batteries, a spare 3M mount pad, and I'll place new adhesive on the pad I've used. PM me if interested. This is the AS15 with wifi model, not the AS10.


Sorry to say I am still having trouble with the gp3. I am sending it back today. I have lost 3 important video, it freezes up constantly and now the 2 sec setting doesnt work. What next!

Debian Dog

Old Heli Guy
Sorry to say I am still having trouble with the gp3. I am sending it back today. I have lost 3 important video, it freezes up constantly and now the 2 sec setting doesnt work. What next!

Are you using a good SD card with nothing else but GoPro stuff on it? Did you take the Dec firmware update?


I have a Hero 2 and a Sony Action cam. I like the color and image stabilization of the Sony. The shape is a little different to work with though. The Gopro has better mounting options. You can't invert the video via software setting on the Sony Action cam. This actually limits some of the mounting options for me.


Gopro3 Black is in a league of its own. The Silver is basically the same as the 2 with a few more options like blue tooth and the new body design.


New Member
Well, I beg to differ. As an advanced photographer with many years of experience (stills, no film experience) I compared a series of frames between both and, frankly, they are all shockingly bad. However Sony sometimes "clicks" and gives acceptably good, phone camera quality series of snapshots for a few seconds before falling apart again - this never happens with Gopro 3 which is consistently very poor. I could write a long criticism of both, but this is irrelevant. Really, you just toss a coin, or get a better build one. It appears to me however that for this specific application Sony is a clear winner because of two advantages:
* better, more aerodynamic shape,
* IMAGE STABILIZATION. Really, how can you just gloss over no image stabilization unless you mount your camera on a heavy tripod or a chicken? (a chicken?! yes, see the video below):
BTW: great job, nicwilke, thank you.
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Well I respect that difference of opinion but I maintain my view. As an advanced camera operator with many years of experience (motion pictures not stills) I can say that for a consumer sports camera in this price bracket the gopro 3 black addition has the most mounting options and accessories, such as wifi preview and control through smart phone, lcd back plate and so on. The GP3 has a bitrate of 45/mbs vs sony action cams 24. Gopro can shoot at a much higher resolution and has more frame rate options. Its true that when you compare the stills from these cameras its sometime hard to get a really accurate reading on which is "better" because it comes down to situation. But I dont think there are many people in the digital cinema industry who back the sony more then the Gopro. I have used both, although I do have much more experience with the gopro and hands down the hero always produces better images in real life situations. Most tv shows that I shoot for on location are using gopros for POV cams. Also having the ability to shoot off speed is nice, plus it handles pretty well in low light, considering its a consumer action camera. In the end I debate all sorts of cameras all day but it really comes down to personal preference.

I have supplied a link to a nice little off speed test someone did last fall.


New Member
Well, my experience with motion pictures is practically NIL, so I have to accept what you saying, even though some points you made are difficult to swollow... I look at the very first video in the first message in this thread (nicwilke), the static picture before you start the video, and I find it incredibly difficult to accept that someone may consider sky and clouds on the right hand side (Gopro) to be more natural. Looking at Gopro picture, it is like a dirty sewage water, not like sky. The same with tree tops and grass.
From my observation: TV news operators almost always using "Sony" equipment, so again, while I respect your experience, I find it a bit strange that you say that people in the cinema industry generally do not back Sony cameras. You are probably referring more to a certain niche application, not the whole "cinema industry".
Finally, allow me to repeat: no image stabilization for a sports camera is not a problem? It does not matter? Seriously?


Well you shouldn't accept what I'm saying, I'm no authority. But to your other points when looking at comparisons one of the difficulties is looking at raw clips. If you look at raw Red or Alexa footage, it could look flat and muddy. Because the camera is capturing a lot of luma and chroma info if you don't steer it in the right direction in post it is possible for it to look like ****. So that's one of the reasons comparisons can prove difficult unless they are done scientifically. The other thing is I really like Sony cameras. I shoot on the F3 and love how solid the blacks are. So I'm not trashing the Sony camera technology in general. And finally with digital image stabilization often lowers the over all quality of the image. Your better of doing it in post or hard mounting the camera to a surface. Funny enough Sony does have a great optical stabilization for there bigger consumer and prosumer cameras where the lens physically floats and moves in the camera body. But generally steady shot or in camera digital stabilization gives you a muddy or fuzzier picture. But like I said don't take my word for it I'm just stating my opinion based off my knowledge, I'm sure there are plenty of people disagree with this view.
