I can strap my GoPro directly to my gimble without the case or I can connect it in the case using the tripod adaptor. Is there any advantage to using or not using the clear case.
I can strap my GoPro directly to my gimble without the case or I can connect it in the case using the tripod adaptor. Is there any advantage to using or not using the clear case.
You can do what Steamboat did and make the protective lens from the case fit around the lens on the camera so you have the protection factor but not the weight. They sell replacement lens covers for pretty cheap.
If its weight of the case you're worried about, there is a half way house solution. GoPro sell a skeleton case which gives the protection and is well ventilated but not waterproof. http://gopro.com/camera-accessories/hd-skeleton-housing/
i use the case but have removed the bubble lens from the case. it gives horrible flare with low sun, and remember that every bad piece of glass (or plastic) in front of lens is going to ruin image quality..
i usually put a polarizer in front of lens to protect it and try to lower shutter speed by reducing light.