FrSky Telemetry Modules


Wired up correctly, Smart port plugged in. LED slowly flashing. Motor on opposite end of ESC is operating normally.

I'm super duper lost. Could it be an offset type thing?


Drone Enthusiast
How do you have this plugged in??? Is it not between battery and the PDB???

on page 12/13, under UsrData section, voltage and current should be FAS.
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between my PDB and ESC. the 40A sensor isn't high enough capacity to place between my BAT and PDB. This was my attempt to find a place to stick this sensor. I know it alters the run, but If it's an issue i can just remove it. I can't figure out why the taranis isn't receiving data. I'm currently using the battery sensor (plugged into balance port) as my voltage source.


Drone Enthusiast
What is the rig setup? 40A is a lot. But I'm running the lower lc mostly. But even 4 1250kv didn't draw more than the limit.

Not sure if the issue is the way you have it hooked up, or if it's the taranis settings. You programmed it the way I listed above?

thats been working for me on 4 builds now. Same setup on page 12, always run from battery to PDB. Same as yours, voltage from the little cell checker type sensor and consumption from the current sensor.


I'm using the E300 propulsion kit from DJI on my F550. I know what you are saying, but theoretically this setup should work on any one of my motor/esc combos. I think its a Taranis configuration problem. I never get readings for Current or Power.

Voltage Source: Cells
Current Source: FAS


Drone Enthusiast
I don't think those motors should drive that much juice.

But it you're right, it should work the way you have it set up. How do you have the sensors plugged in?


X8R Smart Port -> LiPo Sensor -> 40A Current Sensor

I was sent a bad servo cable from Fr Sky, but that's another story.


Drone Enthusiast
Any ideas?

Just what I listed before. I don't have the radio/computer in front of me at the moment. Maybe post a screen shot of your telemetry window in the GUI?

the he more I think about it - the more I think you shouldn't really have to do anything special. The taranis should just see the smart port sensor. I had to mess around because if mixed smart and analog sensors.

Its got got to be your physical setup somehow.
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