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found it,
Woah. You are correct. It was NOT soma. My bad. That data came from Mustang. My apologies to soma and I have edited the source. I would imagine the data came from the first batch of v2 motors that had all the quality control issues. Again, apologizes to soma.That data you quoted is NOT from Soma. Our latest data shows the SS2204 producing 460g on 5x4 but why wouldn't you just go to the 5x4.5 HQ bullnose when the thrust jumps to 600g thrust on 3s. It's worth noting that the bullnose is massively more durable than the 5x4 which vastly reduces broken props which should interest you as budget seems to be high on your priorities. Seeing as Soma sells only the SS2204 motors on his website and the fact that he himself won't run 1806 motors on this type of setup I decided to ask him since we fly regularly together and he doesn't know what your on about. Please stop misquoting him.
Yes there was one stage where the SS2204's were down on power (likely due to inferior magnets), just like every others Chinese motor manufacturer has QC issues from time to time. Just like the horrid bearings in the DYS and Cobra motors. Just like the wrong KV in the Cobra and white spy quads 2204's. Just like the Cobra 2208 shaft only being inserted 3mm into the bell without grub screws (just to name a few). The important thing is that they fix the issue which most manufacturers do.
Btw: we also do plenty of real world testing which also includes eagle tree logging traces and speed traps and with the info we have gained I would only recommend either the SS2204 or the Cobra 2204 for racing mini quads. The 1806's are only good for GF5030. Going more aggressive than that and the motors start to drop off.
Yes I think there is a terminology problem here. Moving the stick more or less is not resolution, it is "stick travel". How many steps the FC see's in the full stick travel is "resolution". An FC will see a PWM signal ranging from 1000 to 2000. With something like a DX8 (I think that's what you fly) with 100% dual rates in the tx the naze32 FC will see a step range between 1150 and 1850. If you increase the tx dual rates to 125% the FC will see closer to 1000 - 2000 range. More step in the same stick travel means better resolution and In turn a smoother flying quad.
Now of course what you've done by increases the dual rates is make the quad faster responding and yes you want to bring the rates down to a level that stops it being hard to control as you previously stated but the way to do that is reduce the RC rate in the Naze 32 which will reduce it without compromising theresolution. This is similar to what you are talking about with increasing the throttle resolution.
Another thing to consider is to add a bit of roll/pitch rate. This reduces your PID's as you move you stick away from centre so works kind of like expo... But different
Good to see you've found it. The Warpquad's main purpose is as a LOS acro quad but we have been working on FPV racing versions like SOma's Z-Pod conversion. Hopefully some day soon there will be a Z-Pod kit out but not straight away.found it,
Woah. You are correct. It was NOT soma. My bad. That data came from Mustang. My apologies to soma and I have edited the source. I would imagine the data came from the first batch of v2 motors that had all the quality control issues. Again, apologizes to soma.
I have not found any thrust data by one reliable source comparing cobra 2204, dys1806, sunnysky 2204, hoverthing? 2204, T motor 2204 and emax 2204. I have to cobble the data by comparing relative sources. You can PM me with links to have all those thrust tests, I would appreciate it.
As for why not 5x4.5 bn, because they are new and frequently out of stock. Plus, there will always be a new "better" blade. We want to stay with one size throughout the entire season so racers always maintain a good supply in their flight case. For 2016 we may change to the bullnose in the spec class if we see stock being maintained by retailers over an extend period of time.
I have a dx8 (125% travel) and now use only the taranis (95 to 105 travel). The dual rate issue could be accomplished with 2 different profiles in the naze, but I like to keep as much on the tx so I can do field adjustments easily and also get voice alerts. So I use 1 naze profile and let the tx change the rates.
I don't increase the dual rates on the tx, I lower them for racing. So my pwm output is reduced from say 2000 to 1850 for roll and pitch. That way I can change them in real time. I can't do real time changes with naze profiles.