Hi There dear followers,
I get many questions about what the changes are on the V2 version.
We changed some parts with PA 2200 nylon carefully processed using Selective Laser Sintering, this material is very strong and durable and produced on the best High-End 3D printing machines available, the advantage is that we can use less parts on some places and other parts will be lighter then the GFK/POM parts used on de V1, also this new parts will be more crash resistant because its virtually unbreakable, all the PA 2200 parts will be produced in the color
RED because we think it looks nicer than the standard white and its a good looking combination with the black carbon
More info about the material
PA2200 info
Witch parts are changed,
POM round feet's
gfk wiredamper supports
clamps on the frame and gfk plug system
gfk plugs on the arms
weight advantage +/- 125 gram (10% on the full options kit)
Some renders of the new plug system,