First quad build - F450 battery question


Just want to make sure I am headed in the right direction...

I was thinking of these batteries From HK. Am I on the correct track for a stock F450 with Naza-m?

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
I have no issues with the Turnegy lipos. I have a lot of them, mostly the NanoTech, but I have the regular ones as well. I have found that if you over discharge them or try and charge them too quickly, they do tend to puff. For the price, I am happy with them. I have had 3 out of about 20 that I would not fly with. Weak cell. I use those to bench test. and fly the rest. Several people here like the Zippy's as well. Make sure that you have more than one and an effective way of charging them.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
The 3S at 2650mAh is fine for 10" props. I use them and go up to 3000mAh. I also use 4S at 3000 and 4000mAh with 8" props. It becomes a personal preference.


Thanks again, I'm going to get about 5 to get me going... Hopefully that will do for a day of learning.

Edit: What about these? Surely these will provide longer flight times?
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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
More cells, more volts. The kv of motors means rotations per volt per minute (or second, can't remember). More volts, more rotations per minute. More rotations means more thrust so you can reduce the size of the blades accordingly.

