first build thread: lessons and learning to follow...


Still Building!

"THAT'S IT!!!!" my best Charlie Brown Voice from the Charlie Brown Christmas!!!

Might take the bolt pattern dimensions and see if theiPower MT Prop Adapter/Cross from gotheli would work (bottom of the page). A suggestion I would give you is to ditch the nosecone prop bolt and go with a nylock nut of your size (6mm?), those cones are notorious for being out of balance.

tstrike that is an excellent idea! Need to figure out just what the dimensions are but I would think that might be a solution!


Drone Enthusiast
That's not the type I saw - but I think anything has to be better than this massive amount of open shaft. I should just cut the thing. Just have to wrap it in cellophane if I do it in the motor to prevent shavings. I could do it in the lathe nice and neat probably - if I wasn't lazy :)

Good call on the nylon nut. I have that on my list of final tweaks. I just want to get this thing in the air for a test. Just a hover...anything!!! I also have to balance the motors. Have a nifty iphone app that makes it easy outdoors.


Drone Enthusiast
Thanks for the link!

I think these would work. I just need to find it for the shaft size - which is the 3.17mm. They couldn't just make it exactly 1/8th??? I could ream it a bit I guess.

Seems like if it's not a perfect fit, and you had to rely on those set screws, you'd be opening up an even worse balancing nightmare. Cutting it seems like it would be the easiest - and a nylon but to top it off. Cheap too.
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pendejo grande
Try plugging in this part#GS0163M, I'd still ditch the cone and go with a nylock. You have to grind a flat spot on the motor shaft so the grup screw bites, I like them waaaaay better than the cheap chinese aluminum collets, but I break things easily.


Drone Enthusiast
Try plugging in this part#GS0163M, I'd still ditch the cone and go with a nylock. You have to grind a flat spot on the motor shaft so the grup screw bites, I like them waaaaay better than the cheap chinese aluminum collets, but I break things easily.

Thats exactly what I have now. Are you saying these extend down the shaft more? Or are just better quality than the ones that come with the motors???


Drone Enthusiast
Maiden voyage...

Well, if success is measured in crashing, then I am well on my way to multirotor super-stardom!!! I chose the patio area to launch from since I figured it would be the most level. But after 1 immediate crash into a bush - I figured I should move to a more open area. Don't worry, I have video of this - just no way to edit here. That will be posted soon enough...

Let me tell you... What looks like a wide open area when you're hanging out smoking a cigarette quickly becomes a closed in, claustrophobic shoebox when you're piloting one of these crafts of death! The next couple attempts really had me flumuxed. I was attempting to lift off and get it in the air using ACRO mode - then use the TX switch I designated for stable mode. Turns out I was hitting the wrong switch!!!

Then I needed to recharge the battery.... So the waiting begins.

One thing I'm definitely happy with is the custom battery tray. It holds the battery nice and tight - and even with all the tipping over on impact - I felt less like the quad would blow up. :)

After firing it up again, using the correct switch this time, I was able to get some decent hover time. I need to tweak the balance while in the air - not sure if it's the FC settings or the wind that was blowing pretty hard at times. This time, no crashes or tip-overs. Pretty happy about that. Batteries charging again....


Still Building!
Way to go Scott!!!! Now you know about the Acro/stable switch and I bet that will not happen again anytime soon! From the picture, did your cross members on the gear come off?


Drone Enthusiast
Yep. The hot glue gave way at one point - so I took it off all together for fear it might get stuck in a prop. Didn't have the means to fix here. I'll figure something out when I get home.

Ive flown about 4 batteries worth so far. Probably getting 10+/- minutes or so. I'm having some issues with the flight modes. That carefree mode/feature I told you about is acting weird. I need to disable that. I think I'm actually more comfortable flying it normal. The wind is definitely NOT helping.

Tine me to get ready for the holiday festivities. Hopefully I'll get a little more flying in over the next few days....

Happy holidays folks!


Still Building!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you to Scott!

Hobby King made things right today. They offered to either refund my money as a store credit or arrange to get another Accucell 6 to me. I elected to go the store credit route. They did not want the Accucell back for some reason.

I am now looking for a charger that will last me well into the future. I will probably be spending 10X the $$ I spent on the Accucell but after doing a ton of research last night and all of today I feel that I will be better served in the long run. In the meantime I am going to try and figure out how to get that button to work....from what it seems it looks as though the entire button snapped off somehow from the circuit board.

That is really awesome that you are getting 10 min of flight out of your rig Scott as you said it was pretty heavy at the get go. With the normal mode....does it fly just like your NQX? aka...only stabilization for self leveling? It was probably a good idea to take off the spanners if they were are right if it hit a prop then you might have some serious damage that you might not be able to fix while on vacation!




Drone Enthusiast
I am decently happy with the flight time for the weight. The trouble is, is noobs sorta need MORE flight time for learning. The quad is heavy, so I can't expect too much, but....

Unfortunately some snow fell here. Great for nephews to have a white Xmas, not so good for us flyers :). Hopefully it will clear a little over the next few days. I'm itching to practice some more.

The most basic ACRO mode for this FC (and maybe all FCs???) has no stability help. It needs to be corrected when you make moves. The stability modes I then switch to make it act more like the nano QX. I need to figure out the weirdness with the carefree mode. But otherwise I really felt like I got a decent handle on it.

Still need MUCH more practice....


Drone Enthusiast
Man!!! That's one he'll of a pricey charger. That thing should fly the craft for you :)

Fortunately I've been fine with the accucel 6 that I got. It has been balancing the cells just fine, and has worked in both charge and discharge to storage rate so far.

Mike just got hammered by HK. Sucks, but I'm sticking with the accucel until I see a need for something more expensive.


I just got an email from HK the other day. Seems my order COULD take up to 45 days for delivery to Alaska... Joy. After that I have to get it forwarded to Korea!!

I went big on the charger just so hopefully I'll never need another one.



Drone Enthusiast
Movin' on...

So, in the past 24 hours I have tested my first quad build on its maiden flight, crashed numerous times, learned a bit and crashes much less, and fallen in love with this hobby...

The timely Xmas snow which fell last night made it seem that flying would be tough today - but it was just a dusting, and it looks like I'm going for it. I've decided to throw caution to the wind and slap the gopro onto the front of this thing (no proper mount yet) and give it a go. Can't resist :)

Heres a photo of yesterday's flight. Not the best pic, just a screen capture from the gopro sitting on the ground. But you get the idea...



Drone Enthusiast
...and I spoke too soon. Got the gopro on there, fired it up and off she went - in a weird multiwii mode that I spaces on, and bam! Directly into a tree. Broke my first prop :). I am chalking it up to it needed to happen at some point. And I had extras, so no big deal.

I'm trying to focus on the fact that I've dodged a ton of dog s#^t during landings as opposed to all the bushes I got intimate with :)



Good stuff Scott. I am glad that you got your quad flying. A belated Christmas Holiday and Seasonal Greetings to all. I have been out of town and out of state with some serious medical issues with my wife's aging aunt which required hospitalization Christmas Eve. I got my BIL two quads for Christmas- he has not even tried to fly them yet due to circumstances. I need to follow up here with everyone's activities. Seems like we are all having to play the waiting game with HK for one reason or the other. I keep telling myself patience is a virtue. :02.47-tranquillity:

I have an Icharger 106B+ (~$90) and a modified Meanwell NES-350-15-350W 15V 23.2A (~$70) power source that I bought a year ago through They are USA based and super responsive. One gets what they pay for with chargers and power sources. I really like this setup for charging my LiPo and LiFe batteries.

I have to get used to my wife's MacBook Air. I am an old time, long time desk top PC user. I need to learn this new operating system. I do like it.
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