Drone Enthusiast
Hey folks,
Since I finished my build (is it ever REALLY finished???) I have been waiting out the weather in the northeast for flying. I got one chance to fly over the holidays when I traveled south, but that was in a backyard just steps away from an AC power source. Other than that one opportunity, been waiting for Spring...
But the weather today has been favorable up here in Vermont - and so I hoped to head out to a large field for some Multiwii tuning. It finally dawned on me that once my fully charged batteries are depleted, I will be miles away from a home-power source. When I bought my Accucel 6 charger, I had to spend the extra $ for the wall-wart unit for home charging - with the stock kit coming with only some small (unsafe???) alligator clips. I have seen the horror-photos of cars in flames from charging off the 12v car battery - and now wonder how you all charge when you are in the field.
Are you using the car battery under the hood? 12v cigarette-style plug? Do you have a dedicated 12v battery (like a smaller motorcycle battery) that you charge from? Or do you just call it a day after you run the pre-charged batteries down?
Thanks in advance for any safety advice.
Since I finished my build (is it ever REALLY finished???) I have been waiting out the weather in the northeast for flying. I got one chance to fly over the holidays when I traveled south, but that was in a backyard just steps away from an AC power source. Other than that one opportunity, been waiting for Spring...
But the weather today has been favorable up here in Vermont - and so I hoped to head out to a large field for some Multiwii tuning. It finally dawned on me that once my fully charged batteries are depleted, I will be miles away from a home-power source. When I bought my Accucel 6 charger, I had to spend the extra $ for the wall-wart unit for home charging - with the stock kit coming with only some small (unsafe???) alligator clips. I have seen the horror-photos of cars in flames from charging off the 12v car battery - and now wonder how you all charge when you are in the field.
Are you using the car battery under the hood? 12v cigarette-style plug? Do you have a dedicated 12v battery (like a smaller motorcycle battery) that you charge from? Or do you just call it a day after you run the pre-charged batteries down?
Thanks in advance for any safety advice.