FAA Myths


Active Member
The "article" seems to have been written by the FAA. It includes all the usual blurring of language, particularly the difference between "policy" and "law".

Myth #6 is a joke and typical of the USA's insular view of the world.


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Myth 7: only 7500 commercial by 2018...... versus the original forecast of 30,000.....
That works out to about 1500 per year throughout the entire USA.

the link at the bottom of the page shows it was a release from the FAA. as an American I'm embarrassed by what the FAA hasn't been able to do to at least address the needs of the sUAS community. sUAS is nothing new, there are examples elsewhere as to how they could be quickly and safely regulated. fwiw, the european airspace is as complex as any in the US with the areas over western Europe as busy as anywhere in the world.
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wouldn't the association's insurance partner need to rethink their willingness to insure UAV ops given the tone of the FAA paper presented on the website?

Excellent feedback all... Now I have a better handle on facts versus possibly misleading info.
and BTW - here is a simulation of the ebb and flow of air traffic between continents (allow some time to seem how it ebbs after the sun sets.
It makes it apparent as to where most of the air traffic is.....
