Every Pilot Sign The Petition To Ban The FAA From Regulating Us...



Thanks for putting this together.
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The "FACT" is, the FAA is already banned by law from regulating model aircraft per Public Law 112-95 section 336 adopted in 2012 except to the extent that recreational operations may somehow infringe on National Airspace or threaten pubic safety. Please read for yourselves, the last two pages of the attached document.

The problem is that Congress (not the FAA), in this "law" has already defined what constitutes a model aircraft and recreational activities. So, lawyers for the FAA are now seeking to clarify that law with their "Interpretation" which is what lawyers do.

This petition however is misguided because it seeks to do what is already done.

A better approach perhaps is to study the position paper being distributed by Tim Stanfield at Ready Made RC (attached) wherein he argues that the "Interpretation" as proposed by the FAA is too far reaching in the area of FPV operation and restricting any kind of financial gain (like sponsors) in the scope of recreational model aircraft flying. Find out which part(s) of these arguments you agree with and comment directly to the FAA as provided for in their call for public input. (there are links in the FAA Interpretation document - model_aircraft_spec_rule.pdf - also attached)


  • PLAW-112publ95 Subtitle B unmanned aircraft.pdf
    111.1 KB · Views: 403
  • model_aircraft_spec_rule.pdf
    109.1 KB · Views: 184
  • RMRC_FAA.pdf
    337.3 KB · Views: 200
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dmetz, excellent, however the general public have no idea what is going on other than the media, but they do look at the white house petition site often, all that this petition will do is raise awareness for the good of the hobby, in which is needed, my neighbors visit the white house petition site but they do not visit any hobby sites, multi roptor forums, or faa mumbo jumbo, but they did purchase their kid a wal-mart rc plane for his b-day, so, this needs signed also! Because it is that kid who will be replacing you dmetz...
