Hoverfly ESC's recommandation


Drone Enthusiast
It seems to me more people have issues with the ice than success based on threads on this forum. Am I wrong about that? I personally use Turnigy plush, which were the recommended ESC before Hoverfly started pushing castle. And as much as i would rather have an american made esc, they are more than twice the cost and seem to have problems. I dont know of anyone that has had issues with the plush esc's with the exception of the occasional faulty esc itself.


Air Traffic Controller
I am using Turnigy Plush. I would recommend however to oversize them. If your motors take 25 amp, use a 40 amp ESC. This way there is enough overhead and they want run as hot. Not so much a concern if you mount them on an arm and there is plenty of airflow. I just like a little overhead. I've never had a problem.


I am using Turnigy AE-30A ESCs loaded with the BLHeli firmware mounted on the arms. Very nice ESCs that stay cool due to the ribbed heat sink!

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I'm using Maytech's with great success. I'd buy more in a heartbeat ...in fact, I am about to.

Have reason to believe that the HK Blue Series are the same with different shrink and labelling (and a MUCH lower price tag)....but I have not tried them myself. YMMV.



We fly, heavy lifts with cameras like C300, fs 700, red would not trust anything but castle, you can program them with lots of details and them smart throttle recognition is a great feature. It is overpriced in my opinion. But we trust no other


I'm using Maytech's with great success. I'd buy more in a heartbeat ...in fact, I am about to.

Have reason to believe that the HK Blue Series are the same with different shrink and labelling (and a MUCH lower price tag)....but I have not tried them myself. YMMV.


Hi, do you have Maytech with SimonK software flashed?

Hi, do you have Maytech with SimonK software flashed?

Im afraid I do not. Mine are all standard flash with the usual programming.

I looked into what was necessary to flash them myself and decided that I didn't want to get into all that as it would almost decidedly result in at least one destroyed ESC before I figured it all out.


Not sure if you were trying to find some ESC's or if you were looking for feedback on Simon K on Maytechs. We have and use the AMP Edition Maytech ESC's, and they work awesome. Simple Plug and Play, with a very noticable difference between stock, and flashed ones. The copters seem to be much smoother and respond more precise. Best part is that there is no hassle of programming and such.

They AMP edition Maytech's come with the Simon K Firmware pre-done, 3.5mm Bullets on the Motor ends, and Black Heat Shrink. We have been using them on our Discovery Extremes (30 amp) , XM8's (45 amp) , and Skyjibs (65 amp) for Our Red lifters.

I will be adding the following to the website in the next couple of days.,
30 Amp
45 Amp
65 Amp

Feel free to email or call if you have any questions.


Hi, do you have Maytech with SimonK software flashed?


Not sure if you were trying to find some ESC's or if you were looking for feedback on Simon K on Maytechs. We have and use the AMP Edition Maytech ESC's, and they work awesome. Simple Plug and Play, with a very noticable difference between stock, and flashed ones. The copters seem to be much smoother and respond more precise. Best part is that there is no hassle of programming and such.

They AMP edition Maytech's come with the Simon K Firmware pre-done, 3.5mm Bullets on the Motor ends, and Black Heat Shrink. We have been using them on our Discovery Extremes (30 amp) , XM8's (45 amp) , and Skyjibs (65 amp) for Our Red lifters.

I will be adding the following to the website in the next couple of days.,
30 Amp
45 Amp
65 Amp

Feel free to email or call if you have any questions.


Hi Patrick,
I read this on an another post from Hoverben at HFT
"We don't have an official recommendation on the SimonK ESCs since we don't use them ourselves, but Ross's information is correct. If SimonK is your ESC of choice, you will need a signal booster between each ESC and the Hoverfly flight controller."
i am not sure if there is SimonK ESCs or only SimonK software for various ESCs brands
Did you add anything on your setups?


Hi Patrick,
I read this on an another post from Hoverben at HFT
"We don't have an official recommendation on the SimonK ESCs since we don't use them ourselves, but Ross's information is correct. If SimonK is your ESC of choice, you will need a signal booster between each ESC and the Hoverfly flight controller."
i am not sure if there is SimonK ESCs or only SimonK software for various ESCs brands
Did you add anything on your setups?

Alain, yes, that was my issue. I was trying to run HK F-30A ESCs loaded with SimonK firmware, and I had lots of issues with several motors not spinning on startup, motor drop-out, etc. I spent weeks trying to understand the problem. Each of the ESCs themselves worked fine alone when plugged into the receiver, but once I plugged them all into the HFPro board, they started acting up again. The solution was to use a signal booster between the HFPro board and EACH ESC! It boosts the low signal back up to 5V so the ESC can read it.

I purchased some signal boosters here: http://www.dpcav.com/xcart/Servo-Signal-Booster-Amp.html and the same, but cheaper here: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__8356__Turnigy_Rx_Servo_Signal_Booster_2_7v_5v_.html

Since then, I've switched from SimonK to BLHeli flashed ESCs, but I still am running my 3 multi-rotors with these signal boosters without any additional issues.



Aerial DP
how weird. I run ipeaka simonK esc's and no signal booster and no problems whatsoever and i've had nothing but problems with cc ice 75....... even the plush esc's they recomend make the board almost impossible to communicate with, not the ipeaka...

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