DJI WKM wish list


Drone Enthusiast
So I started a tips thread so now we have a wish list thread..

Please could the guys out there flying WKM post up what they would like to see in future firmware upgrades..

Mine.. the battery monitor see's increased voltage after the first stage low warning. So if I land before second stage and keep power on by piggybacking a battery to maintain GPS contact then put a new flight pack on the first stage warning goes away and the battery monitor looks at the new pack voltage rather remembering the state of charge of the previous pack..



Active Member
I would like to see a gps go-to way point function with a definable distance nose in circle mode. That would also mean having a care free mode also. Plus a camera Yaw output to fine tune the heading.

As that would need to be an add on module then why not make the separate IMU with higher sensitivity gyros or optic flow sensors as there is not much point in using the same ones that the model is using because it does not create a separate inner axis system. (The basis in which all high end gyro balls work).

Maybe that is what they kept in mind with the spare port on the Naza.


Drone Enthusiast
More travel in the camera tilt.. so you can get the camera looking straight down with out sacrificing fast forward flight compensation.


Draganflyer X4
Care free mode would be excellent, I'm sure they could do this with a firmware upgrade.


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Draganflyer X4
Another nice option in the assistant would be for the heli to turn and point in the direction of travel when you click go home. IE user selectable whether it stays in its current orientation or turns to face home. Much better IMO if you are filming.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I'd still just like to have the gimbal outputs work without wandering/drifting about the neutral point, once the GPS is initialized. :)

-- Gary


Fixing the redundancy not being there with octo x8 y6 configs.

I assumed this was on the list of capabilities so I was kind of pissed when I found out the hard way... maybe should have gone MK after all :cold:


Drone Enthusiast
1. PPM input, so different Receiver Radio systems can be used on the principle of a signal wire hook up.
A. Would allow us to use receivers to used with a tele downlink.
B. Would brake he dependency of WKM View for only Tele option, which is in my eyes a useless (but fun) setup since not mobile like a small jeti box on you radio

2. Adopted quite early to the WKM but i must say i still dont understand the gain setting to the fullest, and I would love to have a explanation of the advanced parameters explained so it really makes sense with diagrams or some other easy explanation.

3. Incase of WKM view. I would love to see the actual gain setting I set my bird to by using my radio to set them. It would just make it easier to understand the system better what it needs at which conditions and payload. Taking the bird down hooking up the config and watching out not to change anything on the radio to see the gain settings is not a option !

4. Coming home should be a feature and not a failsafe simulation. Not all radio allow the mixing in of a fourth servo position on a three switch etc.

5. If they dont open up to receiver that have a tele downlink design a WKM View display with the essential data optimized to be mounted to the radio, like a jeti box. But please to a reasonable price and dont make the customer milking to obvious.

6. Minimal feedback from the sensors. I want to be able to see if my bird is working correctly, not by putting it in the air but by getting some data. Dont know what really triggers certain warning LED indications. Will i be warned if after a crash or some outer disturbance one of the gyros it not working probably ? It would be better to have some output from the gyros, all sensors to check it the data is what it should be.

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New Member

Fixing the redundancy not being there with octo x8 y6 configs.

I assumed this was on the list of capabilities so I was kind of pissed when I found out the hard way... maybe should have gone MK after all :cold:

Can you explain better what is your disapointment about please, the redundancy ? What do you mean?

Thanks for your futur response:nevreness:


Can you explain better what is your disapointment about please, the redundancy ? What do you mean?

Thanks for your futur response:nevreness:

If one of the 8 motors stops producing lift for what reason so ever, the WKM does not compensate for the loss. with is totally weird sins it will detect abnormal movement of the MR. you will have to compensate manually and even that will not stop the wandering.

I've seen simple cheap FC's compensate why not this one!!! It's totally not logic... the whole idea of an FC is that it automatically compensates to movement not commanded by the TX.

maybe DJI need to start some testing on other MR's and not only the small quad or the hex you see in their videos.

the camera tilt point, 1+

and 1+ to BorisS's points


New Member
If 1 motor goes off

Hello Seb,

i have contacted max from DJI and he told me that the electronic would keep on flying normaly if one engin goes off, from what you are saying it's apparently not true.

I 'll contact their technical service and I'll come back to you in order to see if their is a firmware upgrade solution for that.

Fy well and happy new year 2012


Hello Seb,

i have contacted max from DJI and he told me that the electronic would keep on flying normaly if one engin goes off, from what you are saying it's apparently not true.

I 'll contact their technical service and I'll come back to you in order to see if their is a firmware upgrade solution for that.

Fy well and happy new year 2012

well apparently I'm not the only one with the problem... and apparently they do crash after losing power on one prop. and apparently Max has never flow with an octo witch lost a prop.

And Max is from sales...


Tony, over on RCGroups, had a crash on his WK-M - equipped Y6, where it appeared he lost one motor. Also, I can verify that I too have had a problem where one motor stopped, on a hex, and the WK-M did absolutely nothing to try and compensate. It was the M1, front right motor, and the hex simply rolled over that direction. When it got beyond the 70 degree point, it stopped all the motors, and the hex simply dropped from the sky, from 50-60 feet, down into the trees/brush. Two broken arms, a cracked lower plate and five broken props. :dread:

I can find no apparent reason for why one motor/ESC shut down. It has been calibrated and it arms just fine. Connections are all very solid. Packs were fresh off the charger. Anyway, I have the hex almost back together. Got new arms installed, and the frame plate fixed. All that is left now is to balance and install new props.

-- Gary
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I'd like to see support for multiple user configs that can be selected using the Tx. Let me explain. Each config would contain a full set of all the settings from the DJI assistant software. Users would create the configs in the software to suit all their different configurations for a specific multi setup.

For example I may have the following configs for my multi:
1 - 2S 2200 battery - No camera gimbal
2 - 3S 4000 battery - Camera Gimbal On

For each of these setups I need different settings for the WKM(CG, Autopilot, Gimbal, Voltage Protection, etc.). I really don't want to carry my laptop with me to fly so it would be great if I could upload the configs into the WKM and switch between them in the field using my Tx.


How about auto-gains? Seems to me that a processor should be more than capable of auto setting gains in flight to optimize performance, take it out of the pilots hands. This would allow for a motor to drop out on a hex or a octo and be able to limp home safely.


Draganflyer X4
Tony, over on RCGroups, had a crash on his WK-M - equipped Y6, where it appeared he lost one motor. Also, I can verify that I too have had a problem where one motor stopped, on a hex, and the WK-M did absolutely nothing to try and compensate. It was the M1, front right motor, and the hex simply rolled over that direction. When it got beyond the 70 degree point, it stopped all the motors, and the hex simply dropped from the sky, from 50-60 feet, down into the trees/brush. Two broken arms, a cracked lower plate and five broken props. :dread:

I can find no apparent reason for why one motor/ESC shut down. It has been calibrated and it arms just fine. Connections are all very solid. Packs were fresh off the charger. Anyway, I have the hex almost back together. Got new arms installed, and the frame plate fixed. All that is left now is to balance and install new props.

-- Gary

Bloody hell, the worst feeling, I know, when you see it plummeting! Hence why I will never fly over people!!


I would like to see a delay control in the camera roll. Right now when my craft rolls there is the slight delay before the camera mount reacts. I would just like to get right on.

I would like to see an adjustment where tune the roll delay so it can actually be ahead of the craft. Then you could walk it back to have it in right in synch.
