DJI Ronin M Price announced. $1399!!!



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    Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 8.12.32 PM.png
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Active Member
My feelings exactly. Seems everyday I find something new and exciting to buy then I think about it some more and realize I need to sell something before digging a deeper hole...and I thought a house was a money pit ;)

HDAirStudio Infinity gimbal...Mini brain hurts...


Drone Enthusiast
^^^^ Exactly right!

The good news is: there are so many options coming on the market that look good. The bad new is: there are so many options coming on the market that look good :)

My biggest internal debate right now is between gimbals thy come equipped with a controller, specifically designed for THAT gimbal, and the host of decent looking standalone mechanicals built to accept 3rd party controllers.

My gut tells me that a controller designed with only 1 gimbal in mind would make sense, removing variables and controller testing with only 1 hardware/mechanics should produce repeatable results. But there is some good footage coming out of the 2nd option as well, including the new Infinity.

These decisions will drive me mad!

What sucks is... were getting all this awesome at reasonable prices right now.. and in a year or so when the new "mandatory systems for commercial work" come into play (wait you guys will find out soon.. :( ) the $1300 gimbals won't matter when you have to use a $75,000 FC and a $50,000 airframe.
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Drone Enthusiast
I hear you. I'm not personally worried about the commercial side of thing for my uses. That sucks if they impose these mandatory requirements for commercial work (believe me, I feel for you!). But for me, getting some "awesome," after feeling like I have been chasing that "awesome" unsuccessfully. :)


Active Member
Aw come on...are you serious???? WTF! If all this NPRM was a rouse to placate the American public, rc hobbyist and hopeful uav commercial operators only to have big business and government working behind the scenes (nothing new there) to make this unattainable for the average person then screw them! As if a 75k FC and 50k airframe are going to be any safer than the affordable ones available now. Unbelievable! I've had it! I'm about ready to get off this roller coaster and go back to enjoying the simple life, if there is such a thing anymore.

Funny, I don't recall see anything in the NPRM about mandatory anything...


Heavy Lifter
Why did DJI choose to label this as the "handheld" model? Is there an "airborne" model coming? Or can this one be attached to a multirotor?


Drone Enthusiast
Seems like they've only flirted with the aerial side of things. The video Pumpkin posted mentions aerial - but a possible forthcoming firmware update that would make it more appropriate for multirotor work.

Old Man

Active Member
Perhaps we'll find stipulations such as those affect BLOS equipment. It applied to everything it would appear the aerospace giants bought the DOT and FAA after all since they would be the vast majority of those that could afford to play.

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What sucks is... were getting all this awesome at reasonable prices right now.. and in a year or so when the new "mandatory systems for commercial work" come into play (wait you guys will find out soon.. :( ) the $1300 gimbals won't matter when you have to use a $75,000 FC and a $50,000 airframe.

The odds of me ever doing commercial work dropped to zero if this is true. Here is what will happen: A few big companies will dominate the space because no small business could afford the entry cost. At the low end people will just operate illegally. This is what excessive regulation does. It destroys small businesses and entrepreneurs, rewards those with the money and power to manipulate government, and encourages law breaking. Every once in a while some poor guy shooting real estate with a phantom will get nailed as an example to the rest (another result of excessive law: arbitrary enforcement and heavy punishment). Then people wonder why America's economy has trouble growing.


Drone Enthusiast
I really thought the verbiage coming out of the FAA most recently was leaning toward more measured regs. It seems Sleepy has some inside info - and it doesn't sound encouraging.

When I read what seemed more reasonable legislation coming, I assumed the dudes who run things, you know: in the back room, cigars ablaze, 108 years old, had made some calls for the very reason you point out. "This is big money, and you're mucking it up. Get on board!"

But maybe that was wishful thinking...


What sucks is... were getting all this awesome at reasonable prices right now.. and in a year or so when the new "mandatory systems for commercial work" come into play (wait you guys will find out soon.. :( ) the $1300 gimbals won't matter when you have to use a $75,000 FC and a $50,000 airframe.
We've all gotten spoiled with the current pricing of this technology. Go price an A-Star and a Cineflex. A guy I fly with pays over $50k a year just in insurance for his Jet Ranger to satisfy the studios' liability requirements. But I think the ASTM standards that will drive the pricing way up are taking in to account BVLOS and integrating with other aircraft in the real world.. not playing around below 500' where we are.


Owner of RT Aerial Videos
Liking this price allot! I wish they would hurry up and come out with a multirotor adapter to fly this gimbal but I may be buying one of these for all the ground work.

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me neither

steve, you put that in quotes, where are you quoting it from?

A friend that has inside knowledge of where the insurance companies are going and how they are working with the FAA etc.
Not a ton of info, but it looks like in the next few years amendments will be made to incorporate mandatory FC's. This way the airspace will be actually controlled by .. DUN DUN DUN.. the FAA. NOTAMS in the area? You will have to plug in the FC and update for the day to go fly, it will update the k own NOTAMS and guess what your rig will not lift off in those areas...

Don;t shoot the messenger... just sharing some info...
