DJI Naza lite compared to Normal Naza


I am pretty bummed about this. I have had so much success with many other flight controllers and the whole time everyone kept telling me how great Naza is. i flew a few Naza V1 and V2 and they were great but had a “robotic’ flight feel which is not my cup of tea but they did what they are supposed to do.

So I finally get into a position where monitarily the airframe i am building doesn’t require a AP styled FC so i go with a naza and I have issues.

Those of you flying the Naza M lite with success what is the size of your rigs and what size props.

A friend told me his rig only flew well on the lite up to 500mm and 10” props.

The rig I put the lite in is 700mm and has 12’ props.
Perhaps this could be the problem? Was the lite optimized for smaller crafts?
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Also, the FC is in the exact center of the airframe which is in the “butt” of the frame. The frame looks weird, but it’s actually square with the FC dead nuts in the center.

Hi Sleepy :) Mine is in a 450 Flame Wheel, mounted dead center too. It was the ARF kit so I have the supplied DJI motors and 30A Opto ESCs (SimonK). I'm currently flying 9 inch Gemfan CF props that are clones of the Graupners. Hope that helps!

SleepyC asked,
Those of you flying the Naza M lite with success what is the size of your rigs and what size props.
My Lite is also on a 450-sized quad, using the DJI 30A Opto ESC's, the DJI 2212-920Kv motors, 10" props and a 3S-4200mAh battery.
Perhaps this could be the problem? Was the lite optimized for smaller crafts?
I don't know...I'd need to get a larger frame and experiment if I wanted to find out. One thing I will note: The Lite is locked to an older version of the Naza firmware, and if you search the forums going back a while...people used to say that the Naza-M (V1) was crap on larger craft. So, you may definitely be onto something.

You don't hear those complaints very often anymore from Naza-M V1 or V2 users, so I assume that newer firmware tweaks have addressed those issues.

The Lite is locked to an older version of the Naza firmware, and if you search the forums going back a while...people used to say that the Naza-M (V1) was crap on larger craft. So, you may definitely be onto something.

You don't hear those complaints very often anymore from Naza-M V1 or V2 users, so I assume that newer firmware tweaks have addressed those issues.

I think this is the answer.
My friend tried a lite on a 450 size frame and it was rock solid.

SO.. instead of being mad.. time for a 450 size night flying rig!


New Member
I think this is the answer.
My friend tried a lite on a 450 size frame and it was rock solid.

SO.. instead of being mad.. time for a 450 size night flying rig!

My neighbor and I are both flying Flamewheel 450's he has the arf, I put larger motors on mine. I was able to fly this morning and found that waiting at least 3 minutes after powering up did help stability on takeoff. Taking off in attitude mode seems to be the way to go for me as it's flawless from the begining but gps takeoffs are better after waiting several minutes first. Stability has never been an issue for myself in flight, thanks for sharing your experiences as it has solved my issues. Now if support from the dealers could include these basic suggestions I think many would benefit.


Gettin Old
I have a Naza lite on a Qav-400 and ithas been faultless as I just let it warm up for 2-3 mins or when the gps has a lock I unplug the battery for 10-15 seconds and then re-connect the battery and it is as stable as a rock even at 1800 grams ready to fly (full fpv set up)

My v1 naza's did the same thing as you guys are describing and this was the cure for that as well (until they updated the firmware)

My 2 x v1 naza's are both rock solid without problems as long as they are not using EZ-UHF as they would not center during calibration and would react without input from me

On 2.4 ghz Futaba no such worries BUT I live in the middle of nowhere and have very little RF interference so 1.5-2kms on this is no problems without a single fail safe issue

Also I believe that the Naza is not recommended for anything over 650mm It will most probably still work but to what degree ?
It may be alright it may not

I have 2 x V1 running 4.0 firmware

1 is on a QAV 520 and 1 is on a DJI 550F with landing gear and a tarot gimbal both are very stable and weigh between 2000 grams and 2350 grams

they only real problem I came across was with 3 X VU units on the v1 naza dropping voltage below 3 volts with great regularity causing an RX reset
now all fixed with the V2 PMU these seem to be very stable voltage wise
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OK guys it’s confined.. I have the SkyHero 700mm set up with a Naza M Ver 1 on Firmware 4.0 and on stock settings it was almost flawless (Not as good as the SuperX, but really nice)
None of the weird twitches or oscillations it performed as I expected.

I am 100% convinced that the firmware that is being used on the Naza Lite is old Naza firmware when it did not like larger props or larger airframes.

SO now the rig is happy, I’m happy and i’m going to build a 450mm night flyer with the Lite....

Also.. this sky hero rig (for a non AV fun potentially FPV rig) is FUN!!!!)

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OK guys it’s confined.. I have the SkyHero 700mm set up with a Naza M Ver 1 on Firmware 4.0 and on stock settings it was almost flawless (Not as good as the SuperX, but really nice)
None of the weird twitches or oscillations it performed as I expected.

I am 100% convinced that the firmware that is being used on the Naza Lite is old Naza firmware when it did not like larger props or larger airframes.

SO now the rig is happy, I’m happy and i’m going to build a 450mm night flyer with the Lite....

Also.. this sky hero rig (for a non AV fun potentially FPV rig) is FUN!!!!)

View attachment 18253

Good to hear Sleepy... That new quad does look fun.... Sigh, so many things to buy and not enough resources to do it. :(


Found my own answer on a FPV forum.. SON OF A *****.

Hey Guys,

I'm going to have to disagree, in part, but this is based on my experience and exstensive testing... your results will obviously vary.

First off, I find no difference between the Naza-m and Naza-m Lite other than the software, and that you can't run an octo with the Lite.

Now I can hear it already... but please save it, at least until you read on.

Many pepople make judgement calls based on too few data points and assume that their results are set in stone. More detrimental to good data is the fact that we all bring our prejudice into the mix, or to be PC, our opinions, feelings, emotions, and memories of past experiences. These all cloud test observations and you generally "discover" what you went in believing in the first place.

In quantum physics, just the act of observing an experiment, alters it.

With that said, I'm prone to the same tendencies as all other humans.

I did however fly these FCs side-by-side in separate frames and also in the same frame after a quick swap-out so that I was flying at the same location and under the same conditions moments later.

With these FCs, especially DJI, your results will vary with the same setup from day to day. There are so many variables that unless you're in a highly controlled environment, you can't trust minor deviations.

With my Lite, I never had to wait for a warm-up period (I believe it is a series of yellow flashes... don't remember because I never experienced it). Acquiring satellites sometimes takes longer with the Lite, but less often it takes longer with the M... that could be environmental, so without sophisticated test equipment... who knows??

As far as stability, they both act almost identically. They even have the same little yawing glitches (I read in a previous post that others get this too).

In my opinion, don't be upset with yourself if you purchased a Lite, because any differences there might be, you'll never notice based on the variables that you will be dealing with in your environment no matter what you fly.

Oh Yeah don't forget the differences from one FC to another of the same brand and model. Each unit will have its own characteristics. You might get a lemon, or you might get the tightest unit ever produced, but the QC isn't 100% right on, so you will see even more variables introduced into the mix.

I am NOT a fan of DJI. I think their support is horrid and I am not comfortable with all of the reported flyaway incidents that I've read about.

Again guys, don't get mad at me, I'm just reporting on my test experiences of over 100 flights, and again, your results may be quite different than mine.

Cheers... AM
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Gettin Old
well all I know is that after over 600 flights on both naza v1 original ,and upgraded through all firmware versions as released they got better at position hold and attitude when compared to the naza lite

I am unemployed and recovering due to a work accident 2.5 yrs ago so I have all day to fly everyday

Obviously results will vary case by case due to many factors including the builders ability to solder correctly, wire routing etc etc

I own and have flown both in winds from light breeze to 30+km/h winds and the upgraded v1's handle wind far better they also stay locked to gps far better than the naza lite no matter what air frame they are in (DJI 450,QAV500,QAV540 ,Qav400 or the DJI550)

This may be due to the total allowable tilt of the naza lite still being 45° and the updated V1's being 35° keeping the GPS compass facing the sky more

I Find the lite displays the same qualities as the V1 did on the early firmware I have also flown with a mate with a very similar setup except for the naza v1 with 4.0 firmware VS naza lite and the difference side by side in a hover is very noticable

But having said that when you actually start flying around in manual mode I can not see much of a difference and my lite has been solid in manual and the RTH works faultlessly so far

But I stand by the fact that mine will fly far better in gps mode if I power it up get a lock on the gps and then cycle the power

And you are very correct that DJI has little to no customer support channels and we seem to be at the mercy of the resellers who generally don't give a flying fudge once the till has rung up the sale

I mean why do they even have access to the forums as they only come on to advertise new product for us to beta test for them they never actually take part in helping out with issues or incorrect set-ups

Very poor on DJI's part
I mean even the 1 man operations selling fpv gear and multi-rotors have time to help out with issues

Now if we could only get someone to make a product that was as easy to setup as a naza with better flight characteristics that you don't need a degree in computer engineering to set up we would have a winner
