As you stated the connections are “pretty good”, which easily implies “not good enough”, especially for an integral and important component such as the GPS. The unit I received only has one end of the supplied wire with a “clip” to secure it into the Flytrex unit. The NAZA GPS unit B A R E L Y even holds in with its own tension, FAR INSUPERIOR to what is actually required.
My opinion is based off my own, first hand use, not swayed by anything such as a “bottom line” of the accounts ledger. The unit needs to be improved and a way for the GPS wires to be secured PROPERLY.
Did I contact Flytrex or my dealer? No, why should I? Why should I keep this obvious problem under wraps so retailers can continue to sell a flawed product?
I currently have the GPS antenna wire taped into the Flytrex and will give it a try again, and even with this design, it’s not “tight”. It is my intention at the first indication of GPS malfunction that GPS/ATT switch is getting set to ATT and it’s coming home under my own control. Flytrex should NOT be considered “safe to use” when you wish to have a “Fail safe” mode with your NAZA. At this point, when the Flytrex installed I consider my Naza a “With-out RTH” device (due to the Flytrex).
The simplest solution would have been a “T-Connector” that fed BACK into the Flytrex, not THROUGH the Flytrex.
Don't get me started on being REQUIRED to use Facebook to sign into their website to upload/use the device... Their solution was to create a "blank" account just to log in. (blatant disregard to FB's policy).