Hoverfly Crickets...


Yeah, I can blow that up.
No news is good news? Not sure what else I could ask for. HFP is pretty much perfect for us. We are just racking up shoots for happy clients.

This evening there was no wind so I decided to do something I haven't done in awhile. Fly for fun. I took one of my large stunt BiPlane and a 450 CP Heli to my local flying field. Wow, all this MR flying has really made my real flying skills rusty. All this computer controlled flight has take my previously polished flying skill and made it a little awkward. I need to spend some more time on the sticks.
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I agree, I do like my Hoverfly gear but it seems that some new news would be good.

I guess I just miss the days of communication :)


Active Member
If things get boring, it might be a good time to gain more insight into different cultures:

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likes gadgets
russia looks like a scarey place to drive

live life to the full as you never know whats around the corner

i remember back in the uk i nearly got to witness some road rage

what happened was a few cars in front of me a car pulled up for no appernt reason i could see

an average sized guy got out and came back to confront the driver of the car in front of me

when the drivers door on the car in front of me opened an absolute monster of a dude got out

the first guy ran back to his car and drove off it was just so funny the big dude just looked at us smiled shrugged his shoulders and got back in his car and we carried on as normal

i just wish i had a camera to have saved the moment it was hillarious

road rage is just crazy

by the looks of things do russian drivers get their driving licenses out of christmass crackers or kinder surprize eggs etc or do they just print their own



Active Member
by the looks of things do russian drivers get their driving licenses out of christmass crackers or kinder surprize eggs etc or do they just print their own


They print their own....on a stolen printer :tennis:


PS: Let's just see if there is some sort of humor developing in this thread.....



likes gadgets
so they print their own

on a stolen printer that fell off the back of a stollen lorry

that was being driven by a guy who needed a printer to print himself a licence

i get it now its all starting to make sense



I just met a Russian, Vladimir, at the flying field today. He kindly showed me where to find my quad in the tall weeds after I loggered in - no harm done. We have quite a contingent working in the SF Bay Area and especially in Silicon Valley. Anyway, has anyone else noticed that the current model GPS board has been out of stock forever. I think they're hard at work on ver 2 and I'll bet one of my retired quad frames that it will hold a 1 meter radius.


Person of Interest
Hey guys,

Sorry for the quiet lately. As suspected, there's not much new news at the moment. The engineers have been locked up in the lab working on a massive project for a corporate customer. We really can't talk about any particulars of that until it is ready for release (probably late August/early September).

HoverflyGPS availability was pushed back to the end of July. I am keeping the waitlist updated, though. Anyone who has emailed or called me about this product will receive an email update the day that HoverflyGPS becomes available again.

The good news is, part of the big project mentioned above requires higher functions from the GPS (waypoints, ground station, etc.), so these are a top priority and will be available soon. You can expect to see a GPS firmware update including these features in early August - not long after those back-orders start to arrive at your doorsteps.


Hey guys,

Sorry for the quiet lately. As suspected, there's not much new news at the moment. The engineers have been locked up in the lab working on a massive project for a corporate customer. We really can't talk about any particulars of that until it is ready for release (probably late August/early September).

HoverflyGPS availability was pushed back to the end of July. I am keeping the waitlist updated, though. Anyone who has emailed or called me about this product will receive an email update the day that HoverflyGPS becomes available again.

The good news is, part of the big project mentioned above requires higher functions from the GPS (waypoints, ground station, etc.), so these are a top priority and will be available soon. You can expect to see a GPS firmware update including these features in early August - not long after those back-orders start to arrive at your doorsteps.

Ahhh I figured it out, you guys are making the FC for the new Blade 350QX for Horizon Hobbies! If I'm not mistaken it's due out in the fall also ;)

Even news like this, is fun to read and lets us all know you guys are still kickin!

Thanks Ben!

To everyone else, great videos guys, good stuff!



Yikes! My dad sent me this one too, wacko!

Here's the kicker:
used on any similar craft known to be owned or operated by the United States federal government.

How are these guys going to know how to identify US drones? This sounds like open season on anything that flies!

I can see the headlines now... Poor little Timmy's RC airplane was shot down today by a licensed drone hunter in Deer Trail, Co.



Active Member
Just would like see the big eyes of the Deer Trail guys once that Federal Government Predator drone launches two Hellfire missiles in "self defense" at them......the guy in Mission Control would just say....ooops, and all from Deer Trail left is just a big crater ....

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