Hoverfly Crickets...


Yeah, I can blow that up.
Man, you guys are harsh. Startups are tough, I know. Give them some slack. I just flew a bunch of current competitors rigs and still nothing flys as smooth as HF in manual.


Man, you guys are harsh. Startups are tough, I know. Give them some slack. I just flew a bunch of current competitors rigs and still nothing flys as smooth as HF in manual.

Harsh? I see it as tough love. :)

HoverFly has positioned itself as a professional solution. As such, professionals have much higher expectations that hobby flyers. When HoverFly goes down (servers, no communication, whatever) professionals are more than inconvenienced.

Start ups are tough. I have incubated a dozen companies since the mid 90's and I have basic understanding of HoverFly's challenges. HoverFly has been at this for a couple of years now. I'm not sure they qualify for a startup anymore.

HoverFly is still be best flying FCB hands down. They should all quit their day jobs and run this company with more attention to detail and delivery obligations. One can't serve two masters: believe in your product and capabilities and do this full time so you can more effectively compete with the second generation of FCBs coming down the pike.

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the quiet lately. As suspected, there's not much new news at the moment. The engineers have been locked up in the lab working on a massive project for a corporate customer. We really can't talk about any particulars of that until it is ready for release (probably late August/early September).

HoverflyGPS availability was pushed back to the end of July. I am keeping the waitlist updated, though. Anyone who has emailed or called me about this product will receive an email update the day that HoverflyGPS becomes available again.

The good news is, part of the big project mentioned above requires higher functions from the GPS (waypoints, ground station, etc.), so these are a top priority and will be available soon. You can expect to see a GPS firmware update including these features in early August - not long after those back-orders start to arrive at your doorsteps.

Hi Ben,

Any word yet on the GPS board firmware update you were talking about? Really could have used it this past weekend.

Hope to hear from you soon.






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Obviously I'm not Ben, but having spoken with him over the last couple days they are getting close to the release. He mentioned that the client they are working with on the GPS functionality has a quickly approaching deadline.

Is your GPS not functioning properly?


Obviously I'm not Ben, but having spoken with him over the last couple days they are getting close to the release. He mentioned that the client they are working with on the GPS functionality has a quickly approaching deadline.

Is your GPS not functioning properly?

Horizon Hobbies, the new Blade 350 QX maybe? hehe ;)

My GPS functions okay... nothing like a friend of mine who has a Naza +GPS.

I specifically asked ben about the Blade 350 QX and he said that wasn't it... All he would say is that it was a private sector client that needed higher function gps, but exactly who it was would not be known. Sounds like a sub contract, of a govt contractor type deal possibly. Either way I get about a 3 foot hold or less on mine, so anything better would just be icing on the cake. The main reason I use gps is as an additional failsafe in the event of a radio loss. I much prefer flying manual mode.

I came from single rotor where the only electronic input was a tail gyro.
