My order turned up a week or so before Xmas so it was a long time coming. Unfortunately the roll axis servo had siezed solid and had to be replaced... the roll axis itself is not that brilliant in as much that it has considerable play. It that will have to 'looked at' to enable it to be useful. The tilt axis and servo are sound. My aircraft is in the middle of a rebuild and consequently I have only tried it out by rolling and tilting the aircraft by hand and not as part of a real the air. I will update as soon as I can following completion of the rebuild.
I have seen some footage taken at a disused airport in Germany from a guy called Markus I think. I'm sure its the Kreative mount he is using and it looks awesome.
I'm having a similar problem with my XA mount in that I get slight play in the roll axis. the tray is mounted on the roll axis shaft and secured with 2 small grub screws which seem to loosen and/or bite into the metal of the shaft and keep having to be tightened. This is the only place I can fault it structurally. The roll servo, XA G50, is only practical for still photography, I will have to replace with hi res servo and it should be good for video, Like yours my tilt axis is spot on. The mount looks to work really well when viewed externally but the video results are very jumpy. Right now I'm trying with roll axis locked and flying low gain ATT mode, or NORM mode with loads of aileron expo in low rate to reduce roll.
Worth noting, if anyone is using the XA FC1212/AHRS for gimbal stabs, is that the default for the gimbal servo update rate is set at only 50Hz. In the new software you can now adjust this. The new software download at