Rail Ghost
So now I'm going for a DJI 550 and the questions is... buy a kit or RTF? I'm confident in my ability to assemble it and I can solder. However, setting up the radio and tweaking everything to make it fly right is my concern. I may call the hobby store that Ken recommended.
I've been looking at the DJI flame kits. They seem fairly simple. WIth the knowlege and expirience you gain from putting together one of these it would be a stepping stone to building your own..
I'm with the crowd on starting simple and limiting your initial money output on this. I bought a DJI 450 with Naza and in the process of getting it flying. There is a lot to to know.... and now for more reading and learning. Thank goodness for forums. 20 years ago when getting into another venture it was sure was a different story on finding info on an obscure hobby.
New Hampshire USA