Cinestar gimbal keeps panning while connect servo to receiver


Drone Enthusiast
Cuong do you have a servos tester. Hook it up to the pan servos and test. If its acting normal with the servos tester than its a problem with the settings of your radio


As already stated you will need the little plug that goes into the end of the poti wire.
You have 2 more servos so perhaps try one of those. Remember to unplug the potentiometer and replace with the little plug - and remove the servo wheel so nothing spins out of control.

Hi Guys,

Sorry that I was too tired yesterday and come to sleep early.

Here are the test and the video for your information.

I tested excactly what Jeff has advised;

1/ connect the little plug to the another servo and I can control it easily (without this little plug, it will pan 360 degree)
2/ Connect the little plug to the problem servo and no matter how I tried it still continue to pan 360 degree.
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This looks funy but i guess this is realy a servo problem. Tried on 2 servos and none off them behave like yours does. Too bad u dont have a servo tester so u could test it. But it looks like the servo is bad. Maybe some loose conection or bad joint.
Hope jeff can send u a new servo. Lets see what he has to say. Since all servos are the same your test hase proven something is wrong with the pan servo.


Boris we are doing our best. Yea the service TNT provides now is good. They respond fast with pickups and delivery. Hope it stays that way.

It does look though like he is missing it.

View attachment 5025

Lanzar I am amazed by the speed of shipment you guys offer now. One can fly and feel safer :) Knowing the spare parts are there next day if needed :)


Hello Taycuphach,

Thank you for your diligence with testing. The FreeFly servo can be returned to us for replacement (please start an RMA for return).
Also you may try unscrewing the 4 screws and popping off the cover to see if anything seems out of place. Maybe a soldered wire came loose?


Hello Taycuphach,

Thank you for your diligence with testing. The FreeFly servo can be returned to us for replacement (please start an RMA for return).
Also you may try unscrewing the 4 screws and popping off the cover to see if anything seems out of place. Maybe a soldered wire came loose?


Hi Jeff,

Given I am far away from US so the cost of shipping could more than the servo itself, therefore I will try to fix at my side first.

In case, I would like to buy another servo from you, am I correct to understand that I will have to buy this one:

As I will need some extra item in case some part could go wrong so do not mind about this servo. I just want you to test it before sending to me, could you please do me a favour on this ?


Did you ever figure out what the issue is with there not being a potentiometer in place in order to track pan attitude during 3-axis movement? Just to confirm, I recently got one of these (also from 3-axis CS gimbals. Mine came the same way: as a folded up 2-axis gimbal with the separately packaged pan axis add-on, making it come together as a triple axis gimbal. I haven't yet gotten far enough to plugin the pan axis to any Rx cuz I'm still awaiting some parts for m SkyJib 8, to which I plan on attaching it. it's interesting that you bring up the pan axis pot absence, as that appears to be my next obstacle as far as gimbal stabilization over 3-axes, as my mentor on the subject insists that if the pan axis doesn't already have a potentiometer installed for the panning axis --specifically, NOT a matter of whether or not the servo is able to utilize a pot to track its motion(as with my FreeFly servos that came with this very cool gimbal, the supplied pan servo has an input for some potentiometer, but instead of it being fed with real angular feedback, there for some reason is a little loop back plug, almost like a terminator that you might find with BNC networking equipment), but I am told that it is necessary that there actually is or needs to be a pot installed to track the pan axis' angular deviation from neutral on the pan axis in order for very smooth stabilization to take place.

That being said, I guess it really depends on what method of stabilization you plan on employing with your triple axis gimbal ultimately. in summary, I believe that the pan servo's lack of an installed pot is by design and I think they classify th pan servo as 360° modified, and so does not technically require the usage of a pot, even though I'm told i ought o modify my gimbal so as to use one to obtain the best results.

On a related note: anyone here who's reading this happen to be planning on/already adapted the cinestar gimbal for use with frames other than the cinestar frame, as I am about to encounter? Once again, I need to ultimately find some solution to use this cool gimbal in conjunction with droidworx skyjib 8 and the retractable landing gear made for use with that monster of a frameset? I could really use a neat, concise solution maybe someone else has already spent many thinking hours on hi his should be done most efficiently and wants to gift the idea to m for an early birthday present to simplif my life in preparation for the job ive got to have his ready for by June 3rd? (my birthday is April 12th, fwiw!)

Thanks, and hope this sheds some light on the OP's uncertainty with their order from
Happy Easter to all!

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Heli's & Tele's bloke
Did you ever figure out ...

Personally, I am a little confused by all this speculation about a missing feedback potentiometer for the Pan axis servo. Pan is the only axis that can take full advantage of a 360° capability without having bits of airframe come into view and so, unless the object is to limit the Pan axis travel for whatever reason, there is no need for a feedback pot.

If it is important for the system to 'know where the pan is at right now' you will find that the Picloc 3X now has this capability. Pan is the most horrendous of the three axes to calculate this, because the airframe changes its physical relationship with the Pan axis by not travelling in a straight line forever, but George has managed it and the implementation is pretty damn good. There remains a bit of a drift problem but that is all part of why the Pan axis is more tricky to regulate than the other two axes.

As for mounting the CS gimbal on an SJ8, I for one am excused coz I don't have either, but I would probably start with the CS mounting plate that incorporates all the right holes for their 'O' ring suspension/isolation system. From all the CS vids that I have seen it appears to be very effective. They have already spent hours thinking on this but have decided that they want to be paid for their efforts. What a nerve!


Thanks for the reply, mombasa, fwiw I was subscribed to your way of thinking and, also, did not understand the reason for the pot on the pan axis. That was until I spoke with my new stabilization guru. He knows Mamo well and, in fact, nearly all of George's functions that he incorporated in the latest PicLoc 3X Pro (and I do have one so am able to compare no contrast with my current solution) were original ideas conceived by the manufacturer of my chosen solution for gimbal management. His systems have been tried and ring true for many professional level videographers. He seems to think that George is so stressed by his obligations to fulfill all the presales he promised people (that's how I got mine) in conjunction with having a day-job and not having enough hours in the day to perfect the broad spectrum of functions he is (admirably) attempting to incorporate in the 3X all-n-one solution. The problem, as my guy tells it, is that George never took lessons from the mistakes his earlier products suffered from and just trudged on and s now in over hs head. I've been emailing him for goddam close to 4 months about an issue with intermittent USB connectivity while trying to dial my unit in/tune it=for performance. So call him a luminary, and I wouldn't disagree with you, as in that particular price range, no one a putting nearly a much heart and knowledge into competing products, but I'd have to say as well that he has proven, to me as I've bern a paying customer and trying feverishly to obtain some "priority tech support as n existing customer" for 4 f#@$king months so he can kiss you know what. Anyone wana but this 3x pro from me? I've moved on to a much more mature system, although to be fair its nearly 10 times the price. I wish George would honor his word as I've even mentioned thy I'd be happy o py him for a loaner in the interim while mine gets looked at by him, and that I'd pay all cost or either directional shipping. Still no response! F him. Sorry, that's just my personal feeling after being ****ed around and not helped after having sent him support funds before the project officially began to help him ou in financing all the machining and pick&place operations required to bring the product o the people. Mr. Mamo, if you happen o read this, please...pretty please with sugar on top, read your mails from me and have the courtesy to at least respond. Remember who was generousbwhen you needed money and thosevwho supported you from the get go. this is no manner to treat those who backed you before you were this mysterious, impossible to reach, demigod of the forums(wooooooo). Prove you are a decent guy that I thought I knew and provide an inkling of support to me!!!. At least a response! Hire someone o sift through the madness that s your inbox and make sense of it all so you will have an honorable reputation before succumbing to the stress you've created for yourself by making promises you simply are not keeping. I respect what you've done nd can honestly say I couldn't have come close. Your ideas and your implementation are holding the pole-position here nd seemingly all over the Internet, as evidenced by the fact that everyone seems to want one of what you've got. Shift your focus back to the current me...please get back o me. What good is having on of your products if it cannot be adjusted or updated. Like a few hundred dollar paperweight.

Ok, that's enough steam released over this subject. Hopefully someone (george) will do the minimal effort to reply, even to tell me to try to fix it myself!!! Anything is better than no response month after month.

Happy Easter to all, including those who I might be cross with currently. God bless.

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Hi Guys,

By the way, have you got any suggestion on alternative solution to replace the servo on Cinestar Gimbal ? I have ordered 3 servos from, they debit my account and then said that I have to wait for 1 month :((

I don't want to wait for such a long period and looking for another type servo. Would Savox servo compatible with Cinestar Gimbal ?



Welcome to!!
i think what you need is a servo that has been modified to turn 360 degrees with a wire for an external potentiomter. Is that correct? I have a Savox 1268SC that might work for you. It's brand new and has about 11" of wire coming out of it for the potentiometer. I modified it and then switched to high voltage servos so I ended up not using it.
Let me know if you can use it.

Hi Bart,

Have you ever tried to put it on Cinestar Gimbal or you have any video showing the working mechanism of the servo for my reference.

How much does it cost for it and How can I make the payment to you.



Welcome to!!
I reread your thread last night and it appears the panning servo uses a device that stops the pan whenever you return the stick to center so it has a set resistance to signal zero to the motor. A capacitor has variable resistance which allows the servo to hold various positions. I'd guess that you need both a servo with the extra wire coming out of it AND the set resistance device to attach to the end of the extra wire.
If what I've said is correct, what is it that you already have? I don't have the little resistance device you need although if I really had to figure it out I could probably cook up something that would work as it's just a matter of measuring the resistance in one of my servo's capacitors at center and then matching it with a resistor wired up correctly.

so what parts are you waiting on?


Drone Enthusiast
Bart, maybe I am wrong or confused, but in this video he has the resistor and is seems to work with the servo on the tilt. The additional movement i guess is caused by his radio or what ever.
If he uses the same resistor that comes along with the CS gimbal for his pan servo the resistor shows no effect.

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Welcome to!!
I don't have one of these and I've certainly never assembled one so I'm just guessing.

The potentiometer has variable resistance. When the position of the gimbal matches the position being commanded by the transmitter it stops and will stay there. The servo does this by measuring the resistance in the potentiometer and moving the servo until it senses the right resistance value for the position it thinks you want. Once it's all set up it works automatically and you just operate the transmitter to get what you need.
With the pan servo you tell it to move right or left and then let the stick go back to center so it's either moving or not moving. in other words the stick ie either centered or not centered. the only resistance that you need to provide for the control circuit in the servo is the center value as that value tells the servo to stop turning when the stick is centered. when you move a little to the right with the stick the servo will move slowly to the right. the more you deflect the stick, the faster the servo will turn and this has to do with it being farther from the reference resistance being provided by the chip to the control circuit.
The tilt function on the other hand can position the gimbal at different positions and will hold it there. for this you need a potentiometer to provide different resistance measurements for each commanded position and for the servo to use to maintain that position.

This seems to make sense to me given what I've learned about servos and potentiometers.



Welcome to!!
you could use the chip on the tilt function but you'd have to have a control stick that centers after you make a tilt adjustment as the center would be the only position that would enable the servo to stop turning.


Welcome to!!
watching the video again, i'd ask Taycuphach to plug the pan servo into the receiver's Roll port and to have the transmitter handy. With the chip plugged into the servo's second wire I'd ask Taycuphach to try moving the roll trim very slowly left or right to see if the servo will stop turning at some point while moving the trim. If it does, then he should be able to control the servo by moving the stick left or right with the servo stopping each time he centers the stick.
What do you guys typically use for the pan servo? you use a stick based channel like Yaw/Rudder that centers automatically when you let go, right?


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Bart,

As far a i remember he mentions in his first video or he actually tried the pan servo on all channels explicitly mentioning that he has default travel and trims. It looks to me though that in the first video he dosent have the resistor pluged to the pan servo. But i am not sure !
But your approach would be worth a try, that he gets the resistor pluged in once more and plays with the trim on what ever channel he wants to have it.

Why is Taycuphahc ordering 3 more servos ?

He lost his faith in servos ? :)


Hi Bart,

As far a i remember he mentions in his first video or he actually tried the pan servo on all channels explicitly mentioning that he has default travel and trims. It looks to me though that in the first video he dosent have the resistor pluged to the pan servo. But i am not sure !
But your approach would be worth a try, that he gets the resistor pluged in once more and plays with the trim on what ever channel he wants to have it.

Why is Taycuphahc ordering 3 more servos ?

He lost his faith in servos ? :)


Hi Boris,

It is confirmed that due to the servo problem that caused the issue.

I have get it fixed and now it works pretty well (God bless that :D)

