Mikrokopter Cinestar 8 always flip on side during lift up

Hello there,
when this happened to me, it was blame to a couple of props rotating the wrong way...
Also the vertical alignment should be checked...



Hmm, Quite a bit of issues here:
-have you actually tried giving it more throttle and compensating for the movement? It's quite normal for it to lift more on one side when taking off.
- always take-off and land with the "nose" pointing away from you.
- keep some more distance between you and your heli. 3-5 meters minimum. That thing is potentially lethal, and can shred your face under 1 second.
- have you verified the mixing? Do this by taking off the props, start the engines, and then touch each motor for the proper response to any movement (lift the arm up, and the motor-rpm should come down and vice versa). Also check prop-rotation direction.
- you say you're a "noob", but I really hope you have some rc heli experience already. Otherwise it very well sounds like you're gonna end up trashing that vastly expensive frame.


Simply give more throttle like wizpord says. My Hexa behaves just like this but with a little more throttle she flies like a dream.


I had a similar problem and it was down to a faulty roll gyro. Make sure on MKTOOL that the ACC roll curve and the Gyro roll curve are parallel or close..


Im sorry for not getting erlier here, somehow I stopped receiving notifications from this thread...
The problem with my cinestar was battery on top of naviboard (8000mha 5S) and faulty i2c isolation board.
When I remove i2c board and put battery on bottom everything works fine...
