Came 7000 3 axis gimbal?


I'm not very happy with CAME-TV as I've had no response to my request for support where I asked if they would replace the Alexmos controller that was on it and stopped working.
I finally heard from CAME-TV staff today. They want me to to video the issues I'm having and show the setting I'm using etc to confirm the board is not working. They have stated that if it's truly not working (which it isn't) that they will replace it. Stay tuned...


If I recall correctly their board didn't work at all so there would be nothing to video?
That's OK, I can video me connecting it up and showing them that the error led is blinking. I can also demonstrate that after setting the 'Flash' jumper that it won't accept a firmware upload. I have a lot of experience with Alexmos boards but I understand why they want to do some checking. I'm not a big fan of jumping through hoops but I would like the board replaced given they cost around $175. I'll let you know how I go with them.


Right on, good luck! To be honest, this gimbal came to my attention as handheld competitor to the Movi and Ronin. I'm a "normal" camera operator as well as an aerial operator and the ability to switch back and forth with the same gimbal would be super.


I'm having a bit of success with the CAME-TV Gimbal. I'm only using one of the IMUs as the frame IMU was picking up a lot of noise. GotHeli has been fantastic about helping me with that and I've sent off a video to CAME-TV showing them that the Alexmos board that came with the gimbal isn't working. Here's a video I did today at our club:

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Aye mate, looking positive. Might try pushing your P up a bit on the roll. Have a RCTimer Legacy (basically same thing - Came/DYS/RCT Legacy) that needed more P to keep the horizon from rolling. So far though? Pretty pleased as well. Nice to finally start winning with a gimbal eh!!


Nice to finally start winning with a gimbal eh!!
Yes, without a doubt gimbals have been the biggest pain in the *** of all the equipment. I really love flying and multirotors but at the end of the day I'm in to this for the filming and it can be really frustrating when other things take away from that rather than supporting it. What I want is a flying tripod so I can get on with capturing beautiful images and telling the story.

I've put the second IMU back on the gimbal with ferrite rings which lowered the I2C errors and bench testing shows that it does influence the stability. So I'll fly some tests with that and try your suggestion as well. BTW, GotHeli suggested that I ground the foil shielding on the IMU cable to try and eliminate the noise it's picking up but that didn't work any better than just using ferrite rings.

The weather has turned bad here so I cancelled this week's drive to the Snowy Mountains (a few hours from where I live). Hopefully I'll get back down there next week and shoot something worthwhile. I'm going to revisit that waterfall I shot with the hexa and Sony for another go to see if I can get a better result.



I've just finished mounting my DYS Eagle Eye / CAME 7000 gimbal to a new Tarot T15. There was no way to mount the gimbal using off the shelf components, so I had to draw up and have fabricated a top and bottom mount.


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A quick first test of the basecam controller. Not too shabby. Just some minor tuning on roll should sort it out. Also need to do a proper acc calibration on both imu.

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Aerial Fun
dazzab Curious as to how your gimbal tests are going. Also, if you think the build quality, esp on the 3rd axis is of sufficient strength for the g4 and mayb 5d mark ii or iii.


dazzab Curious as to how your gimbal tests are going. Also, if you think the build quality, esp on the 3rd axis is of sufficient strength for the g4 and mayb 5d mark ii or iii.
Due to weather and working on another project I haven't had a chance to fly it for almost two weeks now. Very frustrating. However, I did receive a new IMU cable from GotHeli that totally eliminated the issues I was having with noise on the second IMU cable. So I'm looking forward to some good results from using both IMUs rather than just one.

As for the build quality being suitable for a GH4 or 5D, good question. I have a G4 on it and I don't see any reason for concern. Having said that, there's only one small screw down the middle of the third axis shaft that takes all the weight and holds it all together. It makes me nervous enough to consider putting a safety cable on it but I had a few other people look at it and say it's just fine.

I'll do my best to get another test shot very soon as I'm really interested to see how it goes. I had to cancel two trips down to the snow of the past two weeks and I can't go this week so it's beginning to look unlikely that I'll use it for some winter shots. But you never know.


RCTimer Legacy Update- (Essentially same as Came)
Working great w 5D3 w 24mm on 32bit on first FW release (may try latest fw w autotune and see if I get a better result)

Did NOT work with 5D3 and 50mmL & 100mmL. RCT motors 5208-80 simply underpowered. Picked up an IPower (god, what was the spec on that one..5108? 200T?) something like that from Gotheli (more power, better resolution). Unfortunately had to drop it off at a machine shop to have the Legacy shaft located, drilled, tapped etc to mount on the IPower bell. Hoping that will let the 5D3 carry anything other than the 24mmIS. As DazzaB said, for a grand and the ability to use different setups its the first gimbal thats actually not consuming most life or my hair.

Be advised guys, that little Iflight metal case for the Alex boards???? Silly me, thought it was engineered to fit the product it was engineered to fit etc,etc yeah I know, silly me for expectations.... anyways shorted the bloody thing right out first power up. Response? yeah, clip the pins on back and insulate... One dead 32bit board FTW.


Does anyone know what the actual weight of the Came is without the battery? Have seen 1.7kg banded about but wasn't sure what this included



Aerial Fun
RCTimer Legacy Update- (Essentially same as Came)
Working great w 5D3 w 24mm on 32bit on first FW release (may try latest fw w autotune and see if I get a better result)

Did NOT work with 5D3 and 50mmL & 100mmL. RCT motors 5208-80 simply underpowered. Picked up an IPower (god, what was the spec on that one..5108? 200T?) something like that from Gotheli (more power, better resolution). Unfortunately had to drop it off at a machine shop to have the Legacy shaft located, drilled, tapped etc to mount on the IPower bell. Hoping that will let the 5D3 carry anything other than the 24mmIS. As DazzaB said, for a grand and the ability to use different setups its the first gimbal thats actually not consuming most life or my hair.

Be advised guys, that little Iflight metal case for the Alex boards???? Silly me, thought it was engineered to fit the product it was engineered to fit etc,etc yeah I know, silly me for expectations.... anyways shorted the bloody thing right out first power up. Response? yeah, clip the pins on back and insulate... One dead 32bit board FTW.

I have had some good results with the autotune on the 32bit alexmos and then dialing down the PID's just a touch on my DIY 2axis gh3/gh4 combo. Haven't flown in any real heavy wind yet, so jury is still out.

That said, I just ordered a new gimbal that is the same as the rctimer and came-7000 3 axis. I also ordered the new Phobotic controller and should see it in 2-3 weeks. New gimbal should be here by weekend so I'll get some testing on the 32 bit Alexmos first.

The unit also comes with a 2 motor upgrade. A 60mm motor on the Pan and roll axis. 5028 on the pitch. This should give some extra holding power. Also, the new Phobotic controller is suppose to have more holding power so it will be interesting to see if this setup will be solid with 5d setup. I fly mostly gh4 and bmpc, just using 5d for photos. With any luck, high wind or higher speed flying will be rock steady.

Look forward to hearing how you guys are getting on with your gimbals.


Well, I think I've got the CAME 7000 working well now.

I turned the gains up a bit which didn't work as well but have a look at how much better the video is. I changed the color profile to CineD rather than Standard. I really like it. So I'll turn the gains on the gimbal back down and I think that I'm finally ready to go out and do some serious work with this rig.



Alexmos 32 bit. Although I removed the second IMU as I had some issues with it. I probably should put it back on but the gimbal is working well now so I don't want to change anything.


Aerial Fun
Dazzab, do you feel that in moderate winds, you could fly your 7000 for 15 minutes and have the majority of footage usable and not needing any post stab?

I have the DYS Eagle Eye with 60mm motors on roll and yaw, and 5208 on pitch. From what I can tell, the Came 7000 is pretty much if not exactly the same as the Eagle Eye. I've been getting very good results with the CP, but am tempted to try one of my 32ibt AM boards, but before I do, I'd like to find someone who flies with a gh3 or gh4 and gets consistently good results.

I'm also wondering if peeps that are getting good results, are they doing it cold weather as well as warm weather...
