Cinestar conversion - any good?

I received a 2 axis deluxe conversion kit from a couple of days ago. I am sticking with the Radian/servo/belt on the pan axis as this has always worked well for me.

I am super pleased with the conversion. Very high quality motors and parts and it is working very well for me, even on the first outing. I should also say that I received terrific service from Grayson. Very highly recommended.



You can go with the belt reduction system on tilt and roll as long as you need more power and torque. Wind disturbances, forward flights will require to hold the gimbal tight and on some occasions you will have problems with 5208 motors to hold a 5D Mark III with a decent lens. With the current electronis, the easiest way to get much more torque is the belt reduction. It costs even less.

Some one already mentioned this belt reduction system to me a long time ago, i just hade forget about it.
Thats why this guy sell this legs, 3rd axis kit with belt,


I received a 2 axis deluxe conversion kit from a couple of days ago. I am sticking with the Radian/servo/belt on the pan axis as this has always worked well for me.

I am super pleased with the conversion. Very high quality motors and parts and it is working very well for me, even on the first outing. I should also say that I received terrific service from Grayson. Very highly recommended.


Thats good to know men, i am about to place an order with


I received a 2 axis deluxe conversion kit from a couple of days ago. I am sticking with the Radian/servo/belt on the pan axis as this has always worked well for me.

I am super pleased with the conversion. Very high quality motors and parts and it is working very well for me, even on the first outing. I should also say that I received terrific service from Grayson. Very highly recommended.


lets say this way, i have no gimbal at this moment, and i want a brushless gimbal, should i buy a TAROT 5D2 and converted? or should i buy all the parts and build one from scratch?
like buy all the parts from Brushless gimbal and build one?
I love Biased revues from people never bothering to buy the product or read the page!

I would stay away... Those are famous hobby parts sold at 3x costs...
Here are the real parts:

I love Biased revues from people never bothering to buy the product or read the page!

Yes famous hobby is the the manufacture of the Cinestar parts going into Making the Cinestar compatible gimbals. But I Should Explain that I have invested a lot of time money into developing a product on a budget. Ther are simular produs on the maket but they do not compare when combined with Alexmos 3 axis controller. I offer for the exact same parts as well as parts not offered for sale by famous hobby Because I am the originator of this product. First to bring a hand held Brushless system to market to the public. I offer for sale to same model for the same price as famous hobby! this is not a product just motors and carbonfiber parts. I sell the complete Multi copter & Hand Held experience ARF with every thing you need to get up an going along with support offer 6 different Pkg. I also offer onsite support to get you up an running If you are a film maker or nontechnical individual!
BGC 3.0 MOS Large Current Two-axis Brushless Gimbal Controller

Nope, iPower 5208 but with reduction gear. As solution from Mario (Flexacopter), here is the picture;
LIKE TO INTRODUCE [h=1]BGC 3.0 MOS Large Current Two-axis Brushless Gimbal Controller[/h]
This controller promises hiy performance paired with 6S battery Alexmos firmware. So using it with a 8000 series gimbal motor is a nice choice.
I never had any luck with this type of mosfet driving large motors.
No such thing as knock off carbon fiber parts

real cinestar stuff is from quadrocopter and is labeled as cinestar and freefly. everything else is fake

No such thing as knock off carbon fiber parts just because you GOT them from a specific sources! They are made from the same material cut with the same type of CNC MACHINE! quality is much hi yer than I guarantee it. In adition you do not know where quadcopter dot com gets its parts

lets say this way, i have no gimbal at this moment, and i want a brushless gimbal, should i buy a TAROT 5D2 and converted? or should i buy all the parts and build one from scratch?
like buy all the parts from Brushless gimbal and build one?

Check out RC Rotors. Their 2 and 3 axis brushless gimbals are really nice quality and Beresford Davis the owner is a really nice guy who has ben in the AV business for over 15 years. He only sells what he actually uses.


Aerial DP
it doesn't matter who cuts the stuff, its all about whos design is getting knocked off.... realize alot of members here have there own versions of everything you can imagine for this industry, if it's succesful does that make it cool to rip them off too? North american company, i'd be careful whos toes you step on, your not far enough away to not be standing in court for patent infringements......

was that yaw assembly picture for a hero gimbal? the rods coming down? i'd be embaresed to show something like that

Knock-off carbon fiber plate is simply the very heavy G10 polyester resin + fiberglass plate that is made to look like carbon fiber plate for cosmetic purposes only..... It is very heavy material and should be avoided.

Real carbon fiber plate is chosen for MRs because of the optimal strength to weight ratio needed to maximize flight time etc.
The only material that has a higher strength to weight ratio would be nanotube impregnated carbon fiber plate which is not commercially available at this time because of the extreme costs to manufacture.

Real carbon fiber plate can vary in quality, strength and weight according to the following:
The quality of the resin used in the carbon fiber + binder mix (typically epoxy is used instead of polyester resin)
Higher quality resins can require post curing in an autoclave which increases both strength and heat resistance of the final plate material.

Plain weave is a simple carbon fiber fabric weave that is best suited for flat carbon fiber plate
Twill weave is typically more expensive and best suited for curved surfaces as the weave allows some curving around corners (but it is cosmetically more appealing)
Uniplate is the cheapest and consists of straight carbon fiber strands in a single direction (no weave)

If you look very carefully at the end of a carbon fiber plate you can sometimes identify uniplate sandwiched between outer layers of plain or twill weave layers.
Ocassionally you may even find fiberglass sandwiched between outer layers of carbon fiber layers (in this case weight and strength have both been compromised to save manufacturing costs) coomonly used for after market vehicle hood manufacturing...

Birch or plywood core carbon fiber plate is about 30% lighter than solid carbon fiber plate and is more than adequate as a baseplate to hold electronics etc. but holes drilled thru it are subject to lateral tears if it is used for critical structural strength.
Most carbon fiber plate is transversely isotropic (often referred to as quasi-isotropic) meaning that the strength in all directions on one plane remain the same.

No such thing as knock off carbon fiber parts just because you GOT them from a specific sources! They are made from the same material cut with the same type of CNC MACHINE! quality is much hi yer than I guarantee it. In adition you do not know where quadcopter dot com gets its parts
Just pointing out to people that these parts are real carbon fiber 3k 4mm thick

we are not questioning the existence of simulated carbon fiber or carbon fiber look. Just pointing out to people that these parts are real carbon fiber 3k 2.5-4mm thick. Not fair that fan boys who feel threaten by the end of there monopoly on the market! trying to say that we make inferior quality parts made in china excreta.
This is not the case!! we offer better quality than what being sold as Cinestar parts by I would call aftermarket not knock off to make a distinction between the 2! We have had or toes steeped on multiple times we are still here!


Drone Enthusiast
I sure as hell wouldnt even CLICK on a website that said "mymobilemms/off the grid...." Are you kidding me? Why do you want to be off the grid unless you are doing something illegal or unethical?
That kind of thinking is what is wrong with this world! The Collective is neither good or bad it how it is used is what good or bad. If an individual decides not to be a part of the collective because of His like of how the collective is being used is his right its your right! Off the grid is about. Giving produces who never see the light of day a chance. offering low precised quality Multi copter RC FPV products. I you have a shop of your own we can support each other wholesale channel.

Just one last thing to keep in mind..... Some of the mainline RC Helicopter manufacturers are selling Helicopter booms advertised as carbon fiber booms..... But in fact these are super thin walled aluminum tube with a single wrap of carbon fiber on the outside. Yes it adds some stiffness but IMHO a single wrap does not add much value as it is mostly for cosmetic purposes. It also chips off too easily. Also the specific density of aluminum substantially reduces the strength to weight ratio for the final product. Beware of manufacturers advertising components made of carbon fiber and aluminum...... sometimes the aluminum components are an integral part of the carbon fiber component.


Knock-off carbon fiber plate is simply the very heavy G10 polyester resin + fiberglass plate that is made to look like carbon fiber plate for cosmetic purposes only..... It is very heavy material and should be avoided.

Real carbon fiber plate is chosen for MRs because of the optimal strength to weight ratio needed to maximize flight time etc.
The only material that has a higher strength to weight ratio would be nanotube impregnated carbon fiber plate which is not commercially available at this time because of the extreme costs to manufacture.

Real carbon fiber plate can vary in quality, strength and weight according to the following:
The quality of the resin used in the carbon fiber + binder mix (typically epoxy is used instead of polyester resin)
Higher quality resins can require post curing in an autoclave which increases both strength and heat resistance of the final plate material.

Plain weave is a simple carbon fiber fabric weave that is best suited for flat carbon fiber plate
Twill weave is typically more expensive and best suited for curved surfaces as the weave allows some curving around corners (but it is cosmetically more appealing)
Uniplate is the cheapest and consists of straight carbon fiber strands in a single direction (no weave)

If you look very carefully at the end of a carbon fiber plate you can sometimes identify uniplate sandwiched between outer layers of plain or twill weave layers.
Ocassionally you may even find fiberglass sandwiched between outer layers of carbon fiber layers (in this case weight and strength have both been compromised to save manufacturing costs) coomonly used for after market vehicle hood manufacturing...

Birch or plywood core carbon fiber plate is about 30% lighter than solid carbon fiber plate and is more than adequate as a baseplate to hold electronics etc. but holes drilled thru it are subject to lateral tears if it is used for critical structural strength.
Most carbon fiber plate is transversely isotropic (often referred to as quasi-isotropic) meaning that the strength in all directions on one plane remain the same.



Has anyone dealt with before and/or have any experience with the 360 Cinestar conversion kit?




I purchased the conversion kit. I was only able to communicate through e-mail when placing my order. In my e-mails I specifically indicated I was interested in the a 2-axis conversion kit.
When I got my order, I was charged for the 3-axis and that is what I recieved. When I tried to explain the problem, My e-mails and phone calls were ignored. I was preparing for a project
and needed to correct the error. They only communicated with me to place a new order. I am currently in market for a 3-axis handle held, and am looking for a different supplier.
I suggest that you stay away from they are ready to make a quick sale and be done with you, also no service, I was refered to user forum.
