Battery swollen while in storage

I have a fleet of Zippys and one 8000 mAh swollen while in storage, about 2 weeks after i storage charged it. The battery was almost new, charged at storage voltage with iCharger 3010b using the storage program. The battery was also stored in cool and dry place, with extra isolator caps on connectors. The cells show the same correct storage voltage voltage and the internal resistance is which is a very good one.

Any logical explanation? Anyone had the same problem with Zippys?


Aerial DP
did you submit the warranty numbers when you got em? This is one that if the shipping didn't kill ya might actually qualify for replacement depending how old

the only thing better i've read than what you did is store em in the fridge. the colder without freezing the better. it's something like 4% loss of IR at 70 degrees f a off season and 1% loss IR refrigerated stored at 3.8v ish

I've puffed a couple packs offseason storage charged but it was hot in here and i wasn't worried about it too much. it was the newer 60c 8c charge rate tech kinda like nano tech but from heliproz. forget the name but never went back for more.
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