Balancing T-Motor style props


Drone Enthusiast
Hey folks.

Just got around to balancing the knockoff T-Motor style bolt-on props I got (I know, I know. Maybe they'll never balance - but I'm going to try).

Wondering how you all are balancing the hubs? The "hub" area is so thin, I'm wondering how I could add any CA. Are you removing material from the heavy side? Only balancing by removing-adding to the leading or trailing edge?

thanks for any help/advice.


I am assuming you are talking about the attached prop type from Tiger-Motors..... see image. Much of the hub strength comes from the bolt on washer/clamp which wraps around the edge of the hub to add strength. There is not a lot of hub to create an imbalance to begin with. But if there is imbalance, make sure the holes in the hub are precisely centered to the prop diameter axis. If not..... try filling it with JB weld and re-drill hub holes, undersized then use a very small rat tail file to carefully increase the diameter etc. or use the brass inserts View attachment 18020


  • prop-adp.JPG
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Aerial DP
i do it like the video attached.... i use the inner area immediately outside teh hub and as little of the outter part as possible to get an ear to drop,,, when that ear drops i sand the bottom "face" of the prop till that ear lightens up, generally at that point it tries coming back up off center, the trick is to maintain that ear down till its balanced....

That's alot of secret sauce

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Drone Enthusiast
Thanks guys.

Scott: yes, this is the type I'm talking about. So far I've just thrown 1 up on the balancer - and it was pretty close already. Didn't take much to get it right. But good tips for if/when they are more imbalanced.

Kloner: thanks for the tips and video link.

...Off to the balancing black hole :)


Kloner you finding the Tmotor props to be quite out of balance? For the price of them I thought they should already be precisely balanced so have to say I've never double checked.

I did try balancing some of the knock off ones, got 3 out of 4 pretty good and their hubs were fine but one was an absolute shocker so cut one side of the hub and added glue to the other but it still aint perfect one day I'll give it another shot


Aerial DP
It's all we use, i tried messing with the discount props, there just not the same. These have an airfoil, foam core, really close to ballance, but only 1 in 20 is perfect. The rest are really close and take minimal sanding to make perfect.

epic under a jib with these....
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