Balancing S800 Props


Hey Gurus!

I want to balance my S800 props. No big deal from what I can tell. I have a magnetic balancer and some 320 sand paper.

My question is the removal and replacement of the props.

Do I just undo the 2 screws on the top of the prop above the motor to remove them?

When I replace them, do I need to use Loctite (screw glue)?

Thanks in advance!

Steve Q. :)

Hey Gurus!
I want to balance my S800 props. No big deal from what I can tell. I have a magnetic balancer and some 320 sand paper.
My question is the removal and replacement of the props.
Do I just undo the 2 screws on the top of the prop above the motor to remove them?
When I replace them, do I need to use Loctite (screw glue)?
Thanks in advance!
Steve Q. :)
Yes and yes.
All you do is remove those screws and off comes the prop. And yes, I do use loctite (at the recommendation of a couple S800 vendors I asked) when putting those screws back.


Aerial DP
its important to go straight to balance to not ruin a good set of props, sand the heavy side trail or leading edges till an ear drops then balance that ear with sanding on the bottom flat surface across the chord. as you lighten the heavy ear it'll try spinning on it's side again, get it hanging back down straight before lightening the face of that one ear at all...the faster you get there without it flip flopping and over sanding till it changes the shape more than needed the better. once your killing it, it takes me 45 min to an hour and when it gets to the last few swipes, i clean it really well and spin it so it refinds a heavier side before your chasing it back and forth like mentioned

that's some kloner secret sauce


Thanks guys. All balanced, although they looked like thy had already been done. 2 of them needed nothing, the others, only a very minor sanding.

Thanks for your help.

Steve Q.

Thanks guys. All balanced, although they looked like thy had already been done. 2 of them needed nothing, the others, only a very minor sanding.
That's probably the one consist compliment (and maybe only) I hear about the S800, and it's that the props are typically pretty close to balanced.


I've read a bit of negative stuff. But I have no dramas with mine. It flies well, seems to be reliable. All good. :)


Aerial DP
if it's on a hub it'd be just like a helicopter tail rotor. alot harder to do but still totaly do-able. if the hubs not removable to get to the balancer weighing and setting a cg like a heli main bade might be easier
