Bad reception


I am getting poor reception. The color in the goggles goes in and out and the picture gets fuzzy. This is at 200 ft out. I have the 1.3 300mw and 1.3 blue whip. I have moved the transmitter to different areas on the quad but with same results.View attachment 7083View attachment 7084


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Aerial DP
what vtx brand is that? what video rx you got? show me the settings it is on if theres dip switches. What is powering the vtx?

I'd go back to the rubber duck antennas.


the vtx is no name and tx is SAW filter 4 channel all from Ready Made. Switches are 1 on and 2 off. I'll try both off. the vtx is powered by 3s 1100.


this is the system I have.


Aerial DP
that's not whats on your rig,,,, the digital tx you linked has a red number on it even if you take it out of the case...... show me a picture of the little switches on both units.... the ones that change channels... or try changing channels around and see if it clears up

the lipo isn't a good way to power this. it goes over 12 volts then slides under 12v and both those systems rmrc sells with 1258 like exactly 12v


Aerial DP
if you have a regular camera, get us screenshots or video of the exact problems and i can help you alot better. but that's a pretty big one right there...... those tx he has are really nice, but there kinda touchy to the power into them. i think your system is the rockwood brand, something like that.....


This is my setup on the DJI 550. Same problem its fuzzy when flying only 100 ft away. But when I have 550 in house with camera on and walk outside with goggles at 100-200ft away through the wall and around the other side of house it is clear. It seems when I turn on the radio is when the problem occurs. View attachment 7216View attachment 7215


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Aerial DP
the other ch are locked out......

You need a 1.2 low pass filter i believe.... you got too much stuff to close together as well, but that filter will get you started in the right direction


Aerial DP
get the camera inside teh frame plates and show me what all is running around the video gear..... go all the way around with macro shots and show me what alls in there..... you might just need to reroute something, but that tx is well know for needing a lp filter to run with 2.4, it's the next wave and it is a sat lock killer. have you had problems with the sat locking or loosing lock?

I just built one of these and it worked killer, but it had skids and i put the vtx down on the leg.


Aerial DP
900 is a wiser choice especially since your not into the lawmate thing anyways. your gps is made to work with 900, like there data link, etc. do somehting more like 500mw and we need to get you a good filter if nothing else, can get you weened off that extra battery if you want at the same time for $13 with a little regulator.... $3 if you order from china.

All them wires in there is bad............. poor kloner almost had a stroke when he opened them pics up..... your symptoms aren't surprising.

i know you don't have a disco, but this is what works. you want to mimic it as much as possible,,,,,, but it takes solder, servo ends, patience and time.



see all the twisting, wires to length, wires minimized and most noticeable no plugs, sockets, power leads...... just short pieces of wire
