I've recently run into some inconsistency when trying to arm my F550 w/ NAZA M and Spektrum AR8000. I can almost trace it back to the time following a crash. Not sure if it was b/c of that or just a coincidence b/c it doesn't happen every time, but I continue to have problems arming it, sticks down and in or down and out. I recently started to think maybe a solid GPS link is required to arm. I'm in a basement and I doubt the signal has ever been good but in the past I've had no problems arming it. I've since re-bound it a couple times thinking that I screwed something up b/c over the past several weeks I've connected the DX 8 to a flight sim on my PC and a new model, which has flown w/out issue each and every time. But, that one is a simple Blade Nano QX.
Any thoughts?
- Mike
Any thoughts?
- Mike