3D Robotics (3DR) Iris Official Users' Thread

Gary Seven


are there any reputable shops in Spain that we could pass along to 3D Robotics for them to consider setting up as a dealer?
Only way to answer that is, "maybe." I do know of one online shop to the south of Catalunya that sells the Pixhawk, but no other 3DR products. I'll drop them a line.

Gary Seven

@Bartman Hey Bart. Well, here's an update from a communication I received from the ONLY distributor of 3DR products in Spain (at least, the only I've discovered so far:

Me: I make a query to an online dealer for the 3DR Iris+, even saying I will pay them in advance:

buenos dias
no vamos a traerlo ya que es mejor y mas eficiente un f450 montado con una pixhawk

Translation: We're not going to bring it (ie, stock it) because it's better and more efficient to use a F450 with the Pixhawk installed.

Oh good grief! That WASN'T my question!!! :mad:


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i don't necessarily agree with that. it could be that they want to sell build services, do they sell the Phantom and Inspire?

Gary Seven

i don't necessarily agree with that. it could be that they want to sell build services, do they sell the Phantom and Inspire?
Yes. It appears (from a thorough inspection of their site) that they're DJI heavy. I have bought a few things from them from time to time (DJI props, cable, wiring, etc.), but never any big ticket stuff.

I already wrote back suggesting what they could do with their current policy, and will now look over distributors in the U.K.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
find a good shop in Spain and we'll email 3DR with a referral

they might appreciate the help.


OK, quick question. I know I can search, and search, but does anyone have links to "reload" both the Iris+, and the Flysky TH9 radio, back to the defaults. I've somehow screwed up one, or the other, and no longer get info on my TX screen. Only shows battery voltage of TX. NO sats, dist, etc. etc. woo is me. Also just a tid bit. This is one tough bird! I just accidently hit "auto mode" while flying around under my tree canopy. The Iris+ promptly started gaining altitude (I presume to attempt RTL), and tried it's best to beat itself into pieces in the trees overhead! All that was damaged was I lost one of the rubber feet things off one of the legs! I finally realized what was going on, flipped back to standard mode, and hit the "land" switch. She landed, I shut her down with TX, started her back up, and flew the rest of the battery out! Didn't even break a prop!

Gary Seven

@cootertwo Hey cooter. I am by NO means an expert here (don't even have an Iris+....yet), but during the last few weeks I've been watching just a TON of videos trying to learn all I can before making a purchase decision. Last week I ran across a fellow on YouTube going by the handle AKRCGUY (think his name is Adam).

Anyway, just for fun I sat through a video he had published on December 2014, on how to change parameters on the Iris+ (well, actually the Pixhawk itself), and noticed at position 5:45 in the video how you can reset everything to default parameters. Maybe this will be of help??

Here's the link:



Thanks Gary. Yes, I've been watching/reading everything I can find about the Iris+/Pixhawk. If you were to ask anybody that has known me for awhile, they'll tell you, I just can't leave things alone! And it doesn't help that I started with Naza, then messed around with multiwii, kk2, and Naze. And also, at 65, my poor old memory is way past full. I need to reformat it too! Stayed up till 4:00 AM this morning, reading, tweaking, uploading, downloading, etc. etc. My main problem now is that I get no readings from my 3dr telemetry radio in the Iris+. I can get the left side "local version" of the screen to load up all the settings, but the right side "remote version" shows no numbers. When I tell it to load the info to the remote, nuttin happens. I'll get it sooner or later. I just need to forget some old stuff in my head, to make room for some new stuff, if you know what I mean.

Gary Seven

@cootertwo LOL! Wish I could help u more but at this point, you definitely know more about the Iris than me. Yeah, I can relate with the age and brain reformat thing (I'm 57). ;)
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Old Man

Active Member
In MP or Droid Planner there's a page that enables the telemetry radio. Have you verified that is activated? I need to update my X8 so if I can get to that tonight I'll screen shot the page.

Edit: Initial Set Up page> Optional Hardware> 3DR Radio


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
fwiw, i'm going to start in with the Iris+ review tomorrow so I'll be opening the box (finally!), going through everything, opening up the center body to see how it's all wired, etc. and i'll be able to start taking part in these conversations.

we are also getting a Hornet from TT Robotix which is basically a rolling chasis ARF airframe (frame, motors, ESC's, retracts, but no flight control system) and I'm planning to put my spare APM 2.5+ into it so that will be two Arducopter based heli's in my shop at the same time.

we're a little bit short on Arducopter expertise here especially since @R_Lefebvre has been very busy with other projects and not able to drop in as often.

One way or another we'll get it done and be standing by to answer questions. :)

Gary Seven

In MP or Droid Planner there's a page that enables the telemetry radio. Have you verified that is activated? I need to update my X8 so if I can get to that tonight I'll screen shot the page.
You've got an X8 running with a Pixhawk? Sweet! Did you build the rig yourself? Possible to post a pic??:)

Old Man

Active Member

My x8 is only the 3D Robotics early version. If you bring up the 3dR site there's a description of it. There's nothing special about it and it's too heavy but over the past 8 months or so it has been absolutely reliable. There's quite a few people using Pixhawk in larger copters and special application rigs now, mostly because of the reliability and wide functionality. Largest X8 that I know of where it's in use is in an experimental commercial rig that weighs in at about 150 lbs. I'd prolly get shot or something if a picture of that one got out.

Old Man

Active Member
The 3dR X8 was my experimental foray into use of the Pixhawk. I figured if I build a new copter for a Pixhawk or bought one RTF the money would be spent either way and the RTF method was a way to get as much air time as possible to determine how well the FC functioned. I have not been disappointed in the FC's performance in any way at all. Some friends have been using the flight plan features of Pixhawk in custom copter builds for PIX4D and other aerial mapping work long before 3DR came out with their specialized X8 unit and it has functioned flawlessly for them as well. Although more difficult to work with it's vastly superior to anything else on the market at this time. DJI is trying to play catch up but they have a long, long ways to go.


Well, I finally got most of the bugs worked out in my Iris+/Pixhawk, yesterday. Manually re-did the radio TX from scratch......one click at a time!
What a job! I should qualify for brain surgeon now!
Then I watched this video from AKRCGUY
and got the default settings back into the Pixhawk, and "IT'S ALIVE" and talking to my tablet once again.
Still have a few things to tweak, but getting a much better understanding of how this system works. VERY sophisticated for sure. And I'm feeling a bit more brave, now that I know I can bring her back to life, from a total screw-up on my part!
Also just to mention, this is one tough bird! Accidentally flipped into "auto" mode the other day, and because I had no flight plan uploaded, she went into RTL, I presume, and went straight up into the tree canopy (thankfully), and tried to beat itself to death. When I realized what I'd done, and regained control, I landed it, and found nothing broke/wrong, except one of the little rubber feet things was gone. Took back off, and flew the rest of the battery out! Didn't even break a prop!

Gary Seven

@cootertwo I had read that "controller reset" PDF just the other day. So, the Tx is indeed based on OpenTx...excellent! Why did you feel the need to do this? Totally excruciating IHO!

Can you post why your Iris+ failed (other than the fact it received a knock on the "head", so to speak) once you have determined what happened?


Gary, to be honest, I dunno what the heck happened! Same as with many computer problems I've solved over the years, spend hours uploading/downloading, this and that, and when it finally comes back to life, I've done/tried so many things, I couldn't tell you which one in particular did the trick. Somehow I got the 3dr radios out of sync, so to speak, and the more I tried things, the worse it got, so I decided I'd try to go completely back to stock, Pixhawk, and the radio transmitter. I had hoped there would be a program I could just "upload" to the transmitter, but it has no card slot, like my Spektrums have, so I did the one step at a time thing. Took a couple hours. You have to pay very strict attention, and as you saw, it's about 4 or 5 pages long! I still have some adjusting to do, as my hover is now at about 3/4, in stabilize mode, and when I go to loiter, I have to pull it down to just below half throttle, to maintain level hover. But when you switch back to stabilize, you have to be quick on the throttle, as she'll drop pretty fast. I know I saw some settings in Mission planner, to adjust the throttle. I'm not messing with it today. 2 days of pulling my hair out is enough for now.
