30 Min flight time whit fully packed octo


MK Hexa V1, standard MK Hisight II mount, GoPro held on mount with rubber bands. Considering it was windy and how I was flying it I'd say this is pretty stable video and the flight is anything but slow...

It could be made a lot steadier than this and still flown the same way, it's all in the setup.


Thanks for that Ken, I remember seeing it some time ago and it must have slipped my mind.
I agree its all in the setup but that must include the frame, FC and pilot. Its just a bit of a slog fixing them all.

To get advice on this I'll start a new thread.

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Heli's & Tele's bloke
This forum has been a mine of really useful information from people who have been there, done it and then unselfishly shared their accumulated experience on the forum. Naturally there is also a fair helping of chaff and 'opinions', largely guesswork and supposition, and as always there are the know-it-all's. Insufferable self-appointed experts who might well have invaluable experience and knowledge to impart but just have an aggravating manner and a grating way of expressing themselves.

The last sentence was definitely unnecessary and out of line. Apologies for going entirely off subject and apologies particularly to Denny for any perceived undeserved insinuation.

Back on track ... the Vario Quad certainly looks capable and with their track record of producing BIG helicopters I am sure they will have done their homework. They invariably have a unique approach, if not always terribly stylish.

Some very negative stuff in this thread. A shame.

Something to always keep in mind is how battery technology improves constantly and not always on a linear curve. It is entirely possible that new chemistries would render this challenge moot in a year or two.


Sorry for starting this riot... euh I mean thread! so maybe cancel this thread...?

conclusion: currently impossible

for anyone who needs it :nevreness:

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Active Member
The last sentence was definitely unnecessary and out of line. Apologies for going entirely off subject and apologies particularly to Denny for any perceived undeserved insinuation.

Back on track ... the Vario Quad certainly looks capable and with their track record of producing BIG helicopters I am sure they will have done their homework. They invariably have a unique approach, if not always terribly stylish.

Accepted, No wind up was ever intended. I only do this to pass the time while video editing renders.

The real question is the final application, what exactly he wants to shoot? because this will give the answer about payload, the camera system and lens type. When you know the payload you can think about the size of the built. The bigger the build the more engines and battery needed and so on...


Well with this one you can slap on about every thing you can think of.
This thing could lift 15KG and still fly for 15+ min

And how cool, your name De Vries is Dutch:nevreness:

Just my thought, why don't we change to bigger motor which can carry a lot more battery without any problem ?

I understand that the motor will comsume more when we draw over 80% of motor capacity.

@ Taycyphac, obviously motors will draw more at full throttle, recommended hovering is at half of the motor thrust max. Bigger motor and more battery will ad a lot of weight, so you need to thing about efficiency.
