for full HD transmission the set is 18000 euro,s just for the video link , since i guess your friend wants no or less then 200ms latency i guess.
the less latency the more euro,s.
vislink makes these , i visited the IBC this year and cheapest one i found was 15000 give or take...
now we use a unit that is used with bomb disposals robots from Rotoconcept.
the set contains a COFDM unit with rather bnc or RCA input , has mpeg 4 decoding uses high resolution.
plenty for TV broadcast but NOT full hd.
the set is about 5000 give or take.
for law enforcement we use a pelican case with build in PC embedded , waterproof can stream live data to iPads or iPhones.
it runs win xp in a " naked" version.
the range is about in nlos 2-3 km and los 5-8 km.
the TX works on 2,4ghz uses 5mhz on bandwidth with 50mw and a whopping 25 Db.
30 minutes is possible did that , but the risk is big , that is a expensive machine.
if you have a budget of 10000 no way...
a machine like that would sell for about 26000.
but i guess if you build it for free and a margin of 1% and no guarantees you would be able to do it for less.
as far as legal implementation :
illegal to fly above 100 meters
no flying over crowds
can't imagine seeing that 12 kilo aircraft dropping on crowds from 300 meters up.
we strongly recommend to ALL our customers to NOT fly over crowds , and keep the max elevation in mind.
officially its not even allowed to fly in urban city,s.
there is a new law in the making in the netherlands that WILL come to live , and will ban anything without official approval.