2nd Remote Control Camera Setup, what are your preffered settings


Active Member
Something I am just getting into now, but it just does not feel 100% right the way I am setup for 2nd camera man.

I just setup the Movi M5, and in the instruction manual it shows the default settings as the picture below. (Sorry not sure why its so small its a lot bigger locally, click to enlarge slightly)

View attachment 19091

Now at the moment I have the GH4 setup as the picture above, however I just got the Gentles GH4 Lanc also working on my left switch side to side as it can not work on a switch, basically how it works is take the stick to the left 100% to start/stop video recording, take it 75% to the other side to half press shutter then 100% to take a picture, it works pretty well.
I just cant help thinking that the right stick for pan/tilt does not seem right, just thought it would be normal on the left stick, however this one has the ratchet.
I put pan and tilt speed on the 1 stick no2 left and took it off no1 tilt speed.

Now I would like to know how others have their 2nd cameraman setup, is this the "norm" or do others have better solutions?
Is pan/tilt normally done with the single stick?
Something just does not feel normal to me, but I have never done it before so would like to know other peoples thoughts on the best setup.


  • 2ndcam.jpg
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On our Zenmuse setup I have pan and tilt on right stick. Left stick has roll. Have it that way since pan and tilting are the most common movements and only need roll to correct any off horizon issues.


Aerial DP
i have it setup with both types as single or double stick models and leave the roll on a trim dial.... single stick is all on the right and double is pan left, tilt right. most people that fly like it double stick. it's easy to lean into a tilt just panning with one stick when you didn't mean to


Active Member
i have it setup with both types as single or double stick models and leave the roll on a trim dial.... single stick is all on the right and double is pan left, tilt right. most people that fly like it double stick. it's easy to lean into a tilt just panning with one stick when you didn't mean to

Yes I have def seen what you mean, sometimes I can see very slight drifting even when the sticks are centred.
I would def put roll on a trim, or slider, as it would be far too easy to nudge it by mistake.
My thinking at the moment is pan left stick ( left/right) tilt right stick (up/down)..(or maybe even reverse that) pan speed left pot, tilt speed right pot, and trigger the gh4 with left stick (up/down)
It would be nice on the movi to have a 90 degrees tilt down switch, so you are looking exactly straight down, but it does not have one, it just has a horizontal/forward reset.
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You can do the same with the movi - in the settings make full forward stick 90 degree down. I did find it creepss back a bit though so I set it to slightly more than 90 so after it creeps back it does settle on 90 degrees down


Active Member
You can do the same with the movi - in the settings make full forward stick 90 degree down. I did find it creepss back a bit though so I set it to slightly more than 90 so after it creeps back it does settle on 90 degrees down

Yeah I did try that but found the same as you when I had a 5D and the 16-35mm lens on, it seemed to bounce back a bit and not hold, maybe will have to have another play with all the settings.
The tilt motor settings in the configurator do not like to be set very high or the oscillations start.
At least I can see the camera spirit level on the camera now I have everything setup for FPV and start/stopping with the GH4, wish I had an X series lens to test out the zoom functions.


Active Member
Actually had a play with the gh4 just there now, and there is no way that I can see you can make it stop at a certain angle unless you continue to keep the stick held down/up continuously.
There seems to be like a 2 to 5 degrees bounce at either end (like a dampener) whenever you release the stick it goes the opposite direction.
I would post questions in the freefly forum, but for some reason it seems I am banned a few days after signing up for spam, even though I have never posted there.
